Chapter 6

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Hey Everyone! Sorry for not updating recently! Its been crazy with Volleyball and School! So song on side is Bang Bang Bang by Selena Gomez. (Don't ask why, Just Don't.) And picture is of Cleo! Sending love your way!

-Pandacream <3

"Cotton Candy and Chocolate waterfalls....Mmmm...." I heard myself mumble while sleeping. I was dreaming of food usual. I heard some chuckling but I ignored it. I then saw a little taffy rabbit hop out from behind a pretzel tree. I was holding a giant marshmallow stick in my hand with chocolate drizzled on it and I was wearing a candy dress like Katy Perry would wear. All of a sudden the bunny started eating my marshmallow stick.

"Bad Bunny! That's my Marshmallow stick!" I said while chasing the bunny. I heard a laugh burst out from somewhere and then all of sudden my candy world was getting sucked away as I slowly opened my eyes to five morons leaning over me.

"What the heck!?" I screamed and they all jumped back.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"I'm sorry....after getting up early for volleyball day after day, its nice to sleep I was having a candy dream!" I said while throwing my head back into my pillow. I heard shuffling and whispering than I felt myself drift into sleep again.

"Is she awake yet?" I heard Niall whisper.

"Maybe, I don't know hard to tell." Harry said.

"Guys! What are you doing?!" I heard as a door slammed from somewhere. I shot up immediately, hitting heads with Niall.

"Oww!" I said while laying back down. 

"Ouch..." Niall said while laying down beside me.

"SUPERMAN!!!" Louis yelled from across the room as I see him jumping on the hotel beds back and forth in his Superman Boxers and a blanket wrapped around his neck. Liam was trying to get him down before he fell. Zayn was in bathroom with the door locked. Harry was randomly dancing around the room. Job as mom kicks in....

"EVERYONE SIT DOWN!" I yell and they all stop.

Once everyone was changed and ready to head out for some breakfast, we all loaded up in the car. 

"Morning beautiful. " Harry whispered in my ear as we drove down a main road to Ihop. 

"Morning loser." I said back playfully while slapping his leg lightly. He gasped and chuckled.

We arrived and got out quickly. I got on Zayn's back as we jogged inside with the guys. 

"Table for six please!" Louis said while Liam talked to Niall and Harry.

"Right this way." The man said as we followed him in and out of tables filled with people. We got to the very back and sat in the corner booth. 

"I call sitting by Cleo!" Louis said while pulling on my hand and dragging me in the booth behind him. 

"I call her other side!" Niall and Harry shouted at the same time and both tried to get into the booth. We all laughed as they tried to get in. 

"Guys! I'll sit by her! Gosh!" Zayn said while pulling the two guys out of the way and scooting in next to me. He smiled at me and I smiled at him. Harry and Niall just stood there, with there mouths open.

"Sit guys!" Liam said while sitting by Zayn. Harry and Niall then filled in by Louis.

"So Cleo, you have a game tomorrow?" Liam said while scanning the menu.

"Yeah actually, Don't worry once we get back in town, I'll be at the gym till closing time at 10." I said while sighing.

"Sorry about us kinda stealing you." Zayn said while grabbing my hand from under the table and squeezing it. I smiled weakly.

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