Chapter 11

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Hey Everyone! How are you all so far?! Well I'm not doing too good...Uh I have walking Ammonia and I can't run or do anything active for 2 WEEKS?!! ITS AGONY!! Well besides my pointless problems, I'll most likely be updating more often in these two weeks cause of it. So HERE YA GO! Song on side is a Best Song Ever Remix by One Direction/Kat Krazy! Picture is of Niall!!!!!! Sending love your way!

-pandacream <3

(Niall's POV)

I woke up that next day with Cleo laying on my chest and the boys all sleeping around me in my living room. I smiled and stroked Cleo's hair. How is it so soft? I blushed noticing Louis staring intently at me with a wicked smile on his face. I gently laid Cleo's head down on a pillow and grabbed Louis, pulling him into the kitchen.

"What!?" I whispered/yelled.

"Oh nothing..." Louis said while smiling wider and opening the fridge.

"Louis seriously just tell me." I said while getting impatient.

"You. Have. A. Big. Fat. Crush. On. Cleo!" He said word for word. I blushed and turned around to the sink.

"Admit it!" Louis yelled. I shushed him.

He grabbed my face and squished it.

"Admit it lover boy!" He whispered/yelled.

I blushed more and finally said.

"I do."

(Cleo's POV.)

I awoke to the smell of eggs. I smiled and looked around. Zayn and Liam were still sleeping. I smiled and a picture of them. Too cute. I them jumped up and sprinted into the kitchen, sliding on the marble floors. 

"EGGS!" I yelled while scrambling (He! Get it. Scrambling, EGGS!) to the dining table where Louis and Niall were sitting. I stole the chair in the middle of both of them and waited patiently for the eggs. Both boys eyes widened at me and smiled.

"Gooodmorning Cleo." Louis said while winking at Niall who shifted uncomfortably.

"Good morning boys." I said while Harry set a plate in front of me.

"Good morning Cleo. Now don't you think the chef should get a kiss for making this delicous breakfast?" He said while leaning down in front of me. I smiled and blushed.

"OF COURSE HARRY!" Louis said while jumping into Harry's arms and kissing him on the cheek. Niall and I laughed. 

After getting finished eating and Liam and Zayn woke up we all sat at the table, trying to figure out what to do since the roads were still bad and there was absolutely no way of getting anywhere outside. We decided to play some video games on the TV in Niall's bedroom. We all played some Mario Cart and Call of Duty. 

"Your are going down Zayn!" I screamed as I told me guy to use the rocket launcher on Zayn's vehicle driving by. I shot three times and it hit the car once, causing it to blow up. 

"YEAH THAT'S RIGHT!" I yelled at Zayn who was pouting and the guys were laughing. He tackled me and I fell laughing. 

"NO ONE BEATS ME!" Zayn yelled as he tickled me. I laughed and fought to get him off me.

"YOUR SUCH A FATTY!" I yelled at him and he sat on me. I breathed heavy below him.

"Guys are you going to help me?!" I yelled at the boys who just watched us amusingly. Liam jumped up and sat on me too. I was dying from these two!

"Help?!!" I yelled at Niall. He smiled and shook his head. My mouth dropped open and I glared at him.

"How dare you!!!!!?" I yelled as I threw a tantrum and the guys on top of me came toppling down on top of me. They laughed at me cause I was still below them. I pleaded to Louis and Harry since Niall was dead to me now. Louis jumped up and yelled.

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