Taxis and Cuddles

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Phil's POV

I walk through the streets, battling the cold wind which is blowing in my face. Did he actually just say that he... He loves me? I fold my arms against my chest, trying to keep every bit of warmth I had left still inside of me.

I reach into my pocket for some money. I have enough so I scan the roads for any taxi that would possibly be able to pick me up. I squint, trying to keep the wind away from my crying eyes; I'm still confused over tonight.

I almost burst when I see a taxi speeding around the corner. I stand at the edge of a pavement, waving frantically at it. Luckily, it comes to a slow and steady stop in front of me. I gladly open the door and step inside, telling the driver to take me back home.

About two minutes into the taxi drive, I get bored and decide to go on my phone. Big mistake. Someone had actually recorded Dan's speech and put it on twitter. All of my social media accounts were blowing up with messages, asking what this meant. I started at my phone, not daring to scroll through any of the comments.

Although, if it's this bad for me, I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for Dan. His twitter will probably have exploded or something by now. I slide my thumb across to the home button, closing my twitter. I reach out for music instead, hoping it would make me feel better.

Soon enough, I arrived at my oh so familiar flat. Luckily, Dan would still be at the party, so I wouldn't have him to face when I stepped inside. I smiled at the taxi driver, handing him the money, before stepping outside and slamming the door shut behind me.

I make my way to my apartment door, opening it and letting myself inside. I immediately turn on the lights, finding myself surrounded by things of Dan's. It made a small smile come to my face. I was still overwhelmed, and a little bit annoyed, but I just can't stop loving Dan. Just thinking of his deep brown eyes makes me flutter inside.

I decide to go to bed quickly, as it isn't really the time for video games. I slip into my pjs and hop into my nice, warm bed.

After about five minutes of lying there and thinking, the door swings open. It must be Dan. At first, he shouts my name, before going quiet. Well, quiet with his mouth. He was bumping into things, knocking everything over.

I heard my bedroom door open, and Dan give a little gasp. I heard his footsteps grow closer to my bed, until I felt him slip under the covers behind me, putting his arm around my waist and holding my hand.

He felt so warm against my back, his body delicatly touching mine. His presence made me happy. It made me feel fuzzy on the inside. I was just scared for sober Dan's reactions... However, even with all of this happening, I smiled to myself, never wanting it to end.

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