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Phil's P.O.V

Dan has been in that room for over three hours! What's happening to him? I've seen people come in and out of the room as well, and by the look of their badges, not all of them were for his psychical injuries.

What has Richie actually done to him? I thought it was just psychical damage, which hurt me enough. But it looks like he's broken Dan. I won't let him get away with this... No way.

Suddenly, a doctor comes out of the room. "Mr Lester, may we have a word with you?" She asks me, walking over. I stand up, nodding and she leads me towards some sort of meeting room across the hall. She opens the door for me and I walk inside, seeing a small, wooden table with a black school-type chair either side.

She beckons me to take a seat, so I sit down on the chair closest to the door, and she takes a seat directly opposite me. I can notice some sort of gloomy look in her face - like she has something upsetting or bad to tell me... Please tell me Dan is okay.

"We did a check on Dan. Physically, he's only got a few cuts and bruises..." I can see her face fall as she is about to tell me the second part of this story. "However, emotionally, it's a different story. Daniel is showing signs of schizophrenia-" 

What? No... He can't have. I swear down, if Richie has done this to him, I'm going to kill him.

"Now, this is a type of schizophrenia that can be treated with therapy and even medication, but it won't go away straight away. For the first week, he'll have to be put into a mental institution. He will be unsafe to live with at first..." I'm barely even listening to her anymore. I'm just sitting here, looking into the abyss.

How can they expect me to allow this to happen? Oh right, because it's the only way he'll get better. He'll never forgive me, but it's for his own good.

"Sign here to allow it, please." She tells me, heading me a clipboard and a pen.

This is for his own good.

I pick up the pen, signing my swirly signature on the dotted line indicated. I look at the sheet, sighing deeply. I place the pen back down on the clipboard and hand it back to her.

I'm sorry Dan, but this is for your own good.

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