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Phil's POV

I start brushing my hair, making sure I look my very best. I chose my clothes carefully, picking out certain ones that Dan seemed to like. Eventually, I chose the Nyan shirt I wore to film Phil is not on fire 6 in. Dan had liked that one.

I make sure that my hair is exactly how Dan likes it. Straight, but still a little fluffy in places. I choose the shoes that he likes and I am ready.

Dan is still straightening his hair, of course, so I go into his room and perch onto the bed, beside him.

He gives me a small smile as he concentrates on a certain strand of his hair. I smile back at him, so excited for this date!

After we are completely ready to go, we get up and leave the house. I let the wind brush gently across my face, making sure I am ready for what is going to happen!

We make our way along the street, side by side, trying to keep a small distance, but still right next to each other. I look at him as we walk, making me smile to myself. I look down to the ground, giggling a bit.

Dan turns to me and smiles. "What are you laughing at?" He asks me. I jump at the sudden question and look up at him. "Nothing. Nothing." I tell him, trying to keep my giggles in.

We finally arrive at Starbucks, after another ten minutes or so of awkward silence and strange thoughts.

We order our drinks and take a seat by the window, looking at the glorious view of... Cars. That's just brilliant. Anyway, I'm with Dan. Why would the rest of the world matter to me right now?

"So... About last night..." Dan starts. I sigh and shake my head. "Dan, you were drunk. You say things you don't mean when you're drunk."

Dan's POV

The thing is, I do mean it. I love Phil to pieces. I want to kiss him, hold him close in my arms, never letting him go. Why can't he see that? Why can he not see that I love him more than anything in the world? Because I haven't told him properly...

"Phil... What I said... It was true. I love you to pieces, and I wish you could just notice me. You are my one and only, and my world would be incomplete without you. Please, just notice me." I tell him, sighing at the end, showing that I was happy to let it all out.

"Dan... I love you too... So much. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Phil asked, looking embarrassed as he gripped his drink. I sigh. "I don't know. Look, we will sort this video out. Say it was a dare because we were all drunk, ok?" I tell him, trying to reassure him. He smiles, nodding.

I lean over and kiss him gently on the lips.

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