Tell the World

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Phil's P.O.V

I watched as Dan set up his camera in front of us, breathing in deeply as he did so. We had never really explained the video of Dan at the party - to be honest, we haven't said anything for months. No twitter, no YouTube... We owe everyone an explanation, even if it could ruin our lives. I don't think people seem to realize how difficult being a YouTuber actually is; everyone expects fame and fortune, people looking up to you... Well, it does come with those perks, but having people looking up to you means that you need to be a good role model to them, even if that means the sacrifice of an ordinary life. They expect great things from you, and that's what you have to do - all because you dedicated yourself to it almost eleven years ago...

Dan looks just as worried as I am, if not more worried. I can't help but want to hug him and care for him. I would, but we need to do this. 

The light on the camera starts flashing as it begins to record. Dan and I have already decided that we aren't going to edit anything out of this video, because it needs to be real... It needs to be us. 

"Hello Internet..."


The video starts coming to an end. We've been speaking for fifteen minutes about how we go out. We didn't really want to mention Richie - it was too painful...  So instead we just passed it off as a 'difficult time', which it was.

Dan gave a little laugh and smiled at the camera "Anyway, this is what you wanted... Well, some of you." Suddenly, he turned to me and pulled me into a kiss. I gasped, his lips were suddenly attached to mine, giving me that feeling of warmth and comfort again. 

We didn't make the kiss long this time, as we had to finish the video, but it was still just as beautiful. Dan moved away from me slowly, a smile still pinned on his face. "Anyway, goodbye!" He exclaimed to the camera, turning it off straight after. 

"That was..." I couldn't manage to find a word to describe it, so that became the end of my sentence. In the corner of my eye, I noticed Dan smirking to himself as he fiddled with the camera. Cheeky. 

I stood up and made my way over to him quietly, hugging him from behind. 

"I'm scared..." I admit. 

"Me too."

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