Burn, Phil. Burn

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Richie's P.O.V.

I wake up in the bed that Dan had made for me the night before. I can still feel the rage bubbling in my stomach. I warned him! Instead of moving further away from Dan - he moved closer?!

I sigh and pull the covers back, moving straight to my wardrobe and picking out some random jeans and a T-shirt. After that, I make my way downstairs. I notice that Dan and Phil were already next to each other at the breakfast table, giggling about some random shit.

I put on a fake smile and sit by Dan, ignoring the death glare I got from Phil. "Hey, Richie. Phil and I are going bowling later. Want to come with us?" Dan asks me. I smile at Phil and then at Dan, nodding. This should be fun.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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