Losing Hope

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Dan's P.O.V

"Daniel, did he sexually assault you in any way at all?" I can hear a kind voice of a woman - a doctor. I can hear it, but I can't bring myself into reality enough to answer. What that man did to me is too painful to even think about, let alone tell some stupid cow who probably only pretends to give two shits because it's her job.

Oh give it a rest, Dan. She may be a bitch but you put yourself in this stupid situation! He loved you and you had to throw it all away. He hates you now, you know that? You're a stupid, worthless slut.

"STOP!" I hear myself yell, but it's too late to stop. Can this doctor not understand that somebody is fucking stalking me and taunting me? Is she deaf?

"Daniel, I know this is hard, but can you try-" She begins, but I don't let her finish. I snap again. "CAN'T YOU HEAR THEM? TELLING ME I AM WORTHLESS? CALLING ME A SLUT!" I can't help it anymore. Whoever this is, why won't they go away?

Daniel, you know that she's the one trying to hurt you. I'm on your side. You know that. You can't trust her.

"Just SHUT UP!" I shout at them, hoping they'll go away. I can feel the doctor put a warm arm around my shoulder. "Daniel, sh. There's no one here, okay. Stay calm. I'm here. You can trust me."

I want Phil.

Sorry for the short chapter. I've had a sort of writer's block and I kind of pushed the storyline a bit.

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