Hospitals and Hurt

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Phil's P.O.V

I can hear a sort of beeping sound, but I can see nothing except blackness. I realise I have my eyes closed and I begin to open them. I scan the room slowly, trying to make out where I was - but it was already quite obvious.

I was in a hospital. What had even happened? The last thing I remember is two bright lights coming quickly towards me and me shielding my eyes.

I attempt to sit up, but pain surges through my entire body from head to toe. A nurse comes in with a sort of clipboard, giving me a reassuring smile. She's blonde, her hair tied neatly in a bun.

"Hello, I'm Sarah." She says, keeping that teeth filled smile. I give a weak smile back. I open my mouth slowly, attempting to speak "W-what h-h-happened." My voice is hoarse and my throat is killing me -I feel so weak.

She sighs and looks down at her clipboard "You were hit by a car last night. You have two broken legs and your left arm it broken, as you can tell by the cast..." She rambled. To be honest, I didn't even notice the cast as I was too busy trying to figure out where I was... And why Dan wasn't here with me.

"...You'll be released in a few days, but you won't be able to walk or push the wheel chair yourself. Is there anybody who can help you?" She asked, looking back up at me.

I shook my head. "It's alright. One of our nurses can help you until you can do it for yourself." She smiled and walked out of the room.

I sighed and picked up my phone. No messages from Dan. Great. He clearly doesn't care about me anymore.

Dan's P.O.V

"I think I should go and see Phil." I said to Richie, knowing his response will probably be bad.

Richie looked up at me, clearly in shock. "Why, Dan? Even after everything he's done?" His eyes started to seem shaky. I'm starting to trust him less and less by the minute.

"I'm going, Richie. You can't stop me." I told him, walking towards the door. Suddenly, I felt something hard hit the back of my head. I want dizzy for a few seconds... Right before everything turned black...

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