Run Away

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Phil's P.O.V

I don't care about Dan anymore. I wish I could say that, but I can't. He just sent me to roam the streets, but I have to try and not blame Dan. None of this is his fault -I should have told him sooner about Richie.

I begin to get lost in my thoughts to the point of I'm just walking randomly, but it seems that I've walked onto a road. I glance to my right and see two massive bright lights. I shield my eyes, attempting to see what it is, but a sharp pain goes through my body and I fall to the floor, blacking out.

Dan's P.O.V

I wake up the next morning, feeling dead inside. Moving would be no use today. Yet I stand up and walk to the door. Newspaper. I don't ask for this!

Yet something catches my eye. A man around the corner from where I live got hit by a car? I pick up the paper and sit down, scanning the page.

Man, aged 29 gets hit by a car. The drivers of the car say that they were going at average speed, and the man just wandered onto the road. The male has been identified as Phil Lester-

WHAT? I look at the paper, hands trembling with fear. I don't even know if he's safe! I have to visit him - but I can't. All the damage has been done now. Yet, I can't help but care about him.

Richie walks in, heaving a deep sigh. I give him a faint smile and look down. He sits next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I move a bit, but then relax.

"I just heard about Phil." Richie says, looking down. "I'm so sorry." He empathises with me, attempting to make me feel better, but utterly failing.

"He tried to blame you for the kiss." I tell him, anger at Phil in my mind, but no emotion coming out, yet again. Richie moves a bit, probably just annoyed at Phil like I am. He sighs and looks down "We can't let him control our lives. Don't believe anything he says."

I nod, but for some reason, I start to begin to feel suspicious. Not about Phil, but about Richie...

It's probably nothing.

A/N Thank you all SO much for nearly 800 reads! I can't believe this has actually come so far. Thank you for all the votes as well! This means so much ahh.

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