Putting On an Act

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Dan's POV

I arrive back from the shop an hour later, putting my key in the lock and walking inside. Phil immediately comes out of the lounge and hugs me, with Richie trailing behind.

"Hey Phil." I say, laughing a little bit at how much he was squishing me. I roll my eyes and look straight ahead. "Can I like... Put the shopping away now?" I ask him. He laughs and draws back. "Yeah. Sorry."

Phil and Richie both come through into the kitchen after me, both of them wanting to help me. My boyfriend and my old friend helping me put the shopping away. Who knew?

I place the bags on the ledge, and we all start unpacking them and putting things where they belong, having mini catch up conversations in the meantime.

"Oh! Dan? Remember that time, back when we were dating -" Richie started, only to be cut off by Phil. "What?" He said in a confused manor, completely abandoning what he was doing. I look over to him, worry and fear in my eyes. "Phil... I was going to tell you..."

"Then why didn't you?" Phil was shouting now, and I could see tears slowly forming in his crystal blue eyes. I didn't mean for this to happen. "Phil, I wanted you to get to know him first! Before I jumped the news onto you! I was going to tell you tonight, actually..." A tear rolled down my cheek as I watched my little lion get upset. My Angel Bean.

"Dan... I'm sorry, but you can't just do that!" Phil exclaimed, waving his hands about in fury. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause this..." Richie chirped in. Phil and I both reacted at the exact same time, but in completely different ways;

"It's alright." I told him.
"Stay out of this!" Phil had exclaimed, not actually looking Richie in the eye, but looking at the floor in front of him. Richie stepped back and resumed to putting things away.

"Phil! Listen, it was just two days! We dated for two days! You wouldn't be angry if this was a girl..." I tell him, instantly regretting what I had let slip out of my mouth. I was an idiot.

Phil just stood there, staring at me, speechless. "I- I..." He started. I looked at him in the eye. "Phil." I simply said, my eyes starting to go blurry with tears.

"Leave me alone." Phil said, storming out of the kitchen, to his room, slamming the door loudly behind him. At the slam, I close my eyes and bury my face in my hands. What have I done?

Hey guys! This chapter was slightly longer than the others. I think I'm going to do lots of short chapters, rather than a few long ones. Thank you so much if you have been reading this! It means a lot! Don't forget to comment and vote, as it helps more people find my story! If you like it, don't forget to share with your other friends! Anyway, I'll probably update later today,tomorrow,or the day after.

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