Home Sweet Arguments

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Phil's P.O.V

After eventually drying my eyes and becoming brave enough to face the world, I step put of the bathroom and back into the bowling alley. Just as I would have guessed, Richie and Dan were gone. I sighed and handed in my bowling shoes, putting on my normal, patterned trainers.

How was I going to explain to Dan that Richie had been threatening me all weekend? He wouldn't believe me... He's known Richie for longer. That doesn't mean he'll believe him, does it? Well, he kind of already does.

I walk outside and ring a taxi, sitting on the cold bench and admiring the world, but my thoughts keep going straight back to Dan. I love him too much to let him go. And I hate Richie. I've never actually hated a person before, so Richie is a first. I suppose if anyone comes between you and the person you love, you're not going to be best friends with them.

Eventually, a taxi pulls up in front of me. He says my name and I get in the back of the car. I immediately pull out my phone - almost subconsciously, actually. I check for any messages, but there are none. Just as I'm about to put my phone away, it pings, revealing a message from Dan:

Get back to the apartment as soon as possible, I want answers. (A/N rejects reference ayyy)

I sigh, staring at the text. It looks so different. I can usually tell when Dan is texting me by the smiley face at the end, or maybe even a kiss. This is bad.

The taxi pulls up outside our apartment and I step out, paying the taxi driver through the window. He drives away and I walk up to the building, unlocking the door and going inside.

I make my way to our apartment, butterflies swarming around my stomach. I step inside and see Dan sitting on the sofa.

"Why?" Is the first thing I hear from his mouth, yet no emotion seemed to pass through the filter paper of his tongue. He seemed so cold hearted and blocked away - he didn't even look at me.

"Dan, I swear it wasn't me. It was Richie! He's been threatening me all weekend. He kissed me, I-" I started to ramble, but Dan cut me short with his snappy, hatred filled response;

"You really expect me to believe that bullshit? Richie has always been there for me, something you clearly weren't capable of. Just get out!" He yells, picking up an empty glass on the table and throwing it at me. I duck and it shatters on the wall behind me. I can see tears streaming from Dan's eyes and down his soft cheeks. I long to hug him and tell him it's alright, but considering I'm the problem, I don't think that would be a very good idea.

I sigh and go to my room, quickly packing a few things into a small bag, before walking out the door and onto the cold streets.

Where do I go?

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