Chapter 2

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Unknown Number [Today 1:59 AM]
What's a lady kf the night?

My phone vibrates in my hand, text banner popping up and revealing the late night message. It's a surprise for two reasons. One reason being it's a Monday night and usually the only late night texts I get are from friends on the weekend attempting to get me to some party they somehow ended up at or attempting to find their way home from one.

Another reason, probably the main reason I'd say, was that I haven't gotten a text from the drunken stranger - that I probably shouldn't even be talking to - in days. Not a single indication that he/she was even still alive.

Ok maybe that was a bit dramatic but the point is there hasn't been a text in well over a week. Again, probably shouldn't even be texting back. But who knows, maybe this could lead to some weird, cool story about our future epic friendship. Or maybe I was a bit too trusting and naive like Haley says. Or, or. Maybe this was all just for the simple fact of getting my number off of wherever everyone is getting it.

Do you always bug strangers this late at night or just me?
Delivered [Today 2:05 AM]

I stare at the screen waiting for the text bubble to pop up for a good minute before pulling it together and hitting the home button. Why was I so hooked on talking to an absolute stranger who-

Unknown Number [Today 2:07 AM]
You owe me

...who clear has a drinking problem. Yet I find myself muttering You don't have to reply. You don't have to reply. You don't have to reply. Whilst typing out a reply.

Don't you have a job?
Something to do tomorrow?
It's only Monday..
Delivered [Today 2:08 AM]

Unknown Number [Today 2:12 AM]
I'm a lady of tkw nighey ;-)

I snort out a laugh despite myself. Glancing out the window and grinning as I text back with an amused shake of the head.

You don't even know what that is
Delivered [Today 2:13 AM]

Unknown Number [Today 2:20 AM]
Becsoe u wokt tell me :-(

It's a lady...
Who gets paid for sex that what you do?
Delivered [Today 2:21 AM]

Unknown Number [Today 2:29 AM]

Can't sell your body for sex? Do you not have a body?
Are you just a floating head?
Delivered [Today 2:30 AM]

Unknown Number [Today 2:32 AM]
Im not ladi
I have

Ok yoda it's getting pretty late and I unfortunately dont have the leisure of staying up all night on weekdays
Goodnight x
Get home safe xx
Don't drive!
Delivered [Today 2:36 AM]

Unknown Number [Today 2:40 AM]
Hahahaha yodel

It's not that funny, I know. It was a mediocre joke at best and I'm sure the alcohol swimming in his bloodstream had a lot to do with his amusement but I can't help feeling chuffed about it.

So, riding my wave of hilarity, I decide to save his name as 'Yoda' then delete it and instead save it as his typo 'Yodel'. If he ever asks he most likely wont get the joke himself but for now it was funny and I was running with it.

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