Chapter 29

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Luke becomes more distant. He avoids me where he can and keeps a safe distance between us at all times. When I ask him about it he shrugs it off and mentions how that's how we were supposed to act. All of this probably wouldn't bother me so much if today wasn't my last day with them.

I've been packing most of the morning which really was just an excuse I used so that Luke wouldn't have to use one himself. For the most part everything of mine was packed aside from things like my toiletry bag. In fact I hardly even used my own clothes this trip having pretty much been living in Luke's shirts.

He didn't mind it, said he liked them on me and liked that I left them smelling like a mixture of my shampoo and perfume. That was of course before his brain short circuited.

Since then I've mainly just been watching TV shows I've never heard of and dreading turning my phone back on. I haven't bothered with it since Michael and Calum tweeted from my account so I can only imagine all the messages and calls I have waiting for me from Sean and Haley alone.

Oh yeah and there's also my boyfriend who I have conveniently forgotten about since our phone call six days ago.

All in all, I'm really just frustrated with myself. None of this was like me. I am not the romantic. I don't do cheesy love stories. I don't go off with some boy while having a boyfriend back home. It's hard enough for me to find a boy worth dating, you'd think I'd want to keep him around.

I lost myself somewhere between that first drunken text and now. I don't even know who I am anymore or what any part of this terrible situation means.

Maybe I was looking at it from a wrong angle. Maybe this wasn't about me and Luke or our silly love story. Perhaps this was all just a detour from mine and Nick's love story, a story within a story. Maybe this was just what it was, a week long lustful adventure to get out of my system and show me Nick was the guy for me.

I mean, he was sweet, funny, thoughtful, and such a looker. And Luke, Luke didn't even want anything to do with me.

Maybe I read him all wrong. Maybe he was just some sleazy asshole texting me for a good fuck. Maybe nothing I thought about him was real.

My heart aches with likewise thoughts and instead of dealing with them I opt for a nap.


When I wake it's to a knock on the hotel door. My immediate reaction is to check the time because surely I'm late for my flight. But the times still early and my flight doesn't leave for another 4 hours. With creased brows and a curious mind I drag my feet to the door to see who it was.

"Luke?" I mutter in confusion. He's a mess, bags under his red rimmed tired looking eyes, blonde hair sticking out in every direction and plump lips bitten red. He pushes past me and starts pacing.

"I don't know what to tell you. I know what I want to say but I don't think you want me to say it because well, I don't know why," he sighs. "And I can't just say it. I can't say it because I know what you'll say. You'll say I can't promise it. I can't keep the promise so what's the point? You're there and I'm here and-"

"Whoa, Lu, slow down, what are you talking about?" I interrupt his rambling, steadying his pacing. "I like you." He breathes taking a deep breath. "Okay... I like you too?" I furrow my brows. "No." He shakes his head. "I like you."

"Oh." I draw back in surprise. "See. It's weird. And I don't know if you like me the same way - I think you do but I don't know. And either way we can't-" "I do," I admit sheepishly. "What?" Luke looks like he might have a heart attack some time soon.

"I like you," I repeat with warm cheeks. "You do?" He seems genuinely shocked. "Yes? What did you think this past week was about? Did you honestly think I go around kissing all my friends?" I fight the urge to roll my eyes at the clueless boy. "I mean, I don't know!" He groans.

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