Chapter 24

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Today was a weird one. After weeks of planning and near slip ups, I was finally boarding a plane and landing somewhere I'd never been before. It was something top secret. Not even Sean or Haley knew.

In fact I snuck out of the house with nothing but a mere note left on my pillow saying I'd gone and would be back in a few days. As far as Nick knew I was going to visit my mom for a few days.

Which was just one more lie added to the on going list in my relationship.

I told myself it was for the better. All around everyone was better off with the small white lies. That doesn't really help when my sweet boyfriend is always being nothing but gracious with me.

But this trip wasn't about him or the tales I've told. And it definitely wasn't about my over bearing roomies. This trip was about getting to see Luke again. It was about spending some in-person time with my friend that I hadn't seen for over two and a half months now. It was about finally getting to see him in action and I was absolutely giddy with it.

Clum: Have you landed?

Penelope: Just touched down
Penelope: Please tell me you lot remembered the uber

Clum: Michael?

Mikey: .....Ash?

Irwie: Don't Ash me that was your job!

Penelope: 🙄 wonderful. YOU HAD ONE JOB


Penelope: Someone please call while I get my things from baggage claim

Clum: On it!

Penelope: 😪💖
Penelope: Hows our boy?
Penelope: Still clueless?

Irwie: Still clueless 👍

Clum: No thanks to SOME PEOPLE 👀

Mikey: @ envelope

Penelope: @ michael

Irwie: @ both of you

Penelope: I resent that

Clum: We're not in the clear yet people you still need to get here

Penelope: I'm coming I'm coming!
Penelope: Just make sure mike doesn't spill the beans before then 😌


Yeah. That was another thing about this little trip. Luke also had no idea. Truth be told I was actually terrified he'd see me and send me packing. He's told me plenty of times before that he didn't want me to see him play for some reason beyond me.

Which is what I told his friends when they came to me with the idea. They somehow convinced me and well, here we were. Planning behind Luke's back.

It has been the longest few weeks of my life. Keeping this from Luke has been one of the hardest things to do. Not even just because I was dying to tell him. But it was the Calum calling during one if our video calls and having to remember not to mention who it was in front of him.

Or like last night when I wanted to casually say how I couldn't sleep because how excited I was for today when he asked why I was still up so late but couldn't.

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