Chapter 5

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Yodel: Are you awake?
Yodel: Wake upppppp
Yodel: Peeeeeeeee
Yodel: ...I meant that as like p not pee
Yodel: But I do have to pee

P: Do you know what time it is

Yodel: Time to wake up?

P: No. Time to be sleeping. Go away

Yodel: But I can't sleep :-(

P: Then get up it's 6 in the morning im sure you can find something to do

Yodel: It's 6 in the morning for you not me

P: Whose fault is that?

Yodel: I'm not sure...who made timezones a thing?

P: Shhhhhhhhh

Yodel: I stood up with you last week

P: You were already awake 🙄

Yodel: Still did it though

P: I'm too tired to text

Yodel: You're already doing itttt

P: But my eyes are half closed and my brains still mush

Yodel: Well tell it to stop being mush

P: How about I call you instead

I read over the conversation multiple times trying to go back through and analyze something that I might have missed in my sleep haze. Something that could indicate maybe he'd gotten annoyed or offended. But nothing gives. It's been 4 days now and I have yet to hear from him.

I try telling myself he must be busy getting rest and seeing his friends. He had mentioned missing them when he was traveling for whatever it is he does.

Still, even on my busiest days off with my friends I like to think I find some time to let someone like my mom know I'm alive. It's just common courtesy.

"Hello Penelope, looking lovely as ever," Jeff greets me with a sarcastic undertone that is not appreciated today. I offer nothing but a mere roll of the eyes as I plop down on a chair behind the bookstore checkout.

"She's having a rough week," Sean announces, getting ready to close the shop. I send him a glare because now Jeff is going to ask and I don't have it in me to tell him about it or come up with a good enough lie.

"Rough week or not you can't be back here," Jeff says instead in his most serious manager voice. "But you're already closing," I pout. "No, no, no, none of that, get back on the other side." Jeff shakes his head sternly and gently pushes me out from behind the cashier counter.

"Alright, I'm going, I'm going," I huff, pulling away from him and instead leaning against the counter with my arms folded and resting on the top.

"She's pissy because her mystery boy hasn't texted her back in a couple days," Sean informs him with a chuckle. "A couple days is two. I haven't heard from him in four....and that's not why I'm pissy."

"No? Why are you pissy then?" Sean replies amused as ever. "I'm not," I sniff, chin held high. He rolls his eyes fondly. "Okay, so a boy hasn't texted you in a few days, why don't you just text him?" Jeff shrugs. As if it's that easy. Jeff doesn't get it. He doesn't have all the information.

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