Chapter 28

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This thing with Luke continues. I don't know what to call it or what it means but I know it can't last forever. I'm a realist but that doesn't mean I'm not going to enjoy it while it lasted.

We cuddle at night and steal secret kisses whenever and wherever we can without anyone knowing and in the daylight we were just friends. Pals who sat respectively away from each other and didn't hold hands or make out in front of people.

On a crazy tour schedule involving a cramped tour bus it's safe to say you learn to appreciate the time alone. Even if it was a few seconds in a random empty room backstage or cramped in a bunk on the bus with nothing but a curtain keeping it private.

"You give me dinosaurs in my stomach," Luke says softly nuzzled into the crook of my neck in his bunk. "Dinosaurs?" I giggle. I feel his smile against my skin and his head nodding. "You mean butterflies?" I chuckle, staring at our intertwined fingers. "My little cousin calls it dinosaurs," he pulls away to meet my gaze.

His eyes are bright and full of endearment speaking of his cousin. "That's cute. I think I like it way better than butterflies," I hum with a smile placing a gentle hand on his scruffy cheek.

He grows an adorable closed-lip smile that tugs at my heart strings.

I lean in to connect our lips, Luke meeting me halfway. We readjust our position sinking further into the bunk bed with Luke's large body laying half over me. Our legs tangle together, Luke's hand cupping the side of my face as the kiss deepens. He takes full advantage of our open mouthed kisses and effortlessly glides his tongue against my own. A moan slips from deep in my throat and my heart stops.

Luke smiles into the kiss and slows it with a sweet soft part, long enough to mumble, "What was that?" "No talking," I shush him deepening the kiss further. I'm definitely more aware of myself this time around. My cheeks still flushed with thoughts of that stupid moan.

Luke does this thing. Something skilled and well practiced. Something with his tongue that has me whimpering and wanting to beg for more.

"Oh my god," I pull away, sitting up and covering my mouth with wide eyes.

I'm not usually one for making out. I hardly ever do this. Especially making out with tongue. It just never really appealed to me and whether that had something to do with a very terrible 6th grade experience or not was beside the point.

So the making out was a stretch in itself but making out that effects me this much in this way. It's new. Now that I think about it, everything feels new with him.

"What?" Luke grins cocky and chuffed with himself. "No more," I point a stern finger at him. "Aw come on, I was only playing," he immediately pouts. "Too bad. Playtime is over," I raise my brows at him. "But I haven't even gotten to the good part yet," he says innocently. I gulp down the thickness in my throat. "Stop it. No more kissing till we get to the new hotel," I stand my ground shakily.

"Alright, I'm a gentleman I can take a hit," Luke sighs easily, laying back on his side of the bunk. "Thank you," I hum glancing at him. "I'm tired anyway," he shrugs, rubbing his eye and laying his head just above my abdomen. "So you're just a tease then," I giggle at him. He laughs lazily looking up at me with dancing eyes. "Only for you."

I roll my eyes lightheartedly. "Go to sleep then would you, you're bugging me," I let my hand drop on his head my fingers running through his soft sandy blonde hair.

He giggles gently and a few minutes into scrolling through his Netflix he falls lax and soon after his adorable snores are falling from his lips.

I smile down at the heart warming giant sleeping on me and try not to think about all the ways everything truly feels different with him.

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