Chapter 10

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As it turns out, Luke has a very good drunk memory. Or maybe he's just smart enough to check his phone the day after. Either way he knows he called and has asked about what he said. Of course I said just the usual rubbish but truth be told I was dying to just tell him what I heard.

I was absolutely itching for it. So much so that if he were to call again I'd probably just blurt out I know your name! Which probably wouldn't go over very well.

It's a nice name. I don't know why he's being so secretive about it and for some reason it feels wrong knowing. Like I overheard a secret I wasn't supposed to hear.

Which I suppose is kind of what happened but it's just a name. It's not like I saw him naked or something. It's not that big of a deal. Lots of people know his name. It's. Not. A. Secret.

Yet I can't bring myself to tell him I know.

I've debated just telling him my own because that's where most of the guilt is stemmed from but I can't just tell him. That'll be weird and suspicious. It has to come up casually.

Of course I don't know how or when that'll happen since he's on vacation, m.i.a half the time and I can't even text him back when he does send a message purely out of fear of letting the beans spill. I don't know how but I'm sure he'll somehow get it out of me.

Which in hindsight wouldn't be so bad because then at least he'd know and it'd just be out there. Half of me wants to leave it alone and pretend I never heard; he'll tell me when he wants to. The other half of me knows I'm terrible at keeping things to myself and this absolutely will not go as planned if I do that.

So I stick to ignoring his texts, the few that they are, and tell myself I'm not. I tell myself I'm just busy and not ignoring him at all because that would mean I'm avoiding him and why would I be avoiding him when I have nothing to hide.

I'm just busy. It's just a name. I'm not guilty of anything.

Yodel: When are you going to stop being busy :-(

P: when are you going to enjoy your gorgeous vacation?

Yodel: When you stop being busy

P: zero sense

Yodel: MEH

"Is that mystery boy you're talking to?" Haley tries to peek over my laptop screen. I shrug, minimizing the texting screen. "I heard you guys talking late the other day," she hums obviously trying to get something out of me.

What that is, I'm not quite sure. I'm not even sure she knows either.

"We talk sometimes," I reply casually, propping my chin up on my hand and scrolling through what I've written so far for my class paper.

"Really? Since when?" Her eyebrows crease curiously as she leans in closer a bit. "Since we started talking on the phone," I mutter disinterested and slightly defensive. "Well when was that? Is he the one you asked about the accent?!" Haley sits up straighter, starting to just now put the pieces together.

"Yeah," I sigh. "Oh my god! And he's the one you were talking to in the restroom two weeks ago isn't he!" Her voice is starting to get louder, it's something she does when she gets excited about things.

"Will you calm down, it's not that big of a deal and it's not like we do it often." Which is true. We rarely ever speak on the phone and when we do one of us is always drunk so I'm not sure it even counts.

"So what is this? Are you two" The corner of her mouth is pulling up just enough to have a small grin on her face. Her eyes are dancing with something that might be amusement. "No. We're friends. And why do you have that look on your face? It's 2016, people date online all the time."

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