Chapter 21

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Luke Hemmings
3 missed calls

Text messages

Where are youuuuu

Answer plz

Wake up!!!

I have a show call me when you wake up 😪

And I saw that tweet!

Sean forgot his phone at home and wants you to bring it to him at the bookstore


@kailsos liked your tweet

@Luke5sos: You don't know who your real friends are until timezones :-(

@Luke5sos: Also....jetlag


Lu 💙🎸

Jeff 📚

Kail 🐛

Kail 🐛

Lu 💙🎸



Lu 💙🎸

I wake with a yawn, rubbing the sleep from my eye while my sight adjusts to the bright screen in front of me. It's just past ten in the morning and I was absolutely exhausted. I'd really taken for granted the fact that Luke and I were actually on the same timezone for a while there.

Now he was out of LA and onto the next city and timezone which meant more hours stolen from my sleep. Especially the night before or after a concert. You'd think he'd be used to it by now but the boy was always full of nerves and adrenaline.

I start with Twitter first, mainly to get the notification icon to go away. Kailyn liked my tweet about clingy friends and going to sleep late which was 100% about Luke.

We take turns indirecting each other since he's still not keen on bringing any sort of light on me even one that involves a like, retweet, or follow from the Luke Hemmings. I was fine with it. It was more fun this way anyways.

Almost like talking in secret codes that only we would get. I roll my eyes at Luke's tweet and send a tweet of my own.

@Pineapple_p: Death to timezones! 😞💤

I scroll through Kail's twitter for a second just to see what's new in Luke's world. He refuses to let me follow update accounts so I use Kail as a sort of middleman.

There's not much but a few photos and low quality videos from the show they were currently doing. The videos are always secretly my favorite to snoop around on. There's just something about watching Luke in his element that makes my heart pitter patter and something about his voice that makes my stomach go all tingly inside.

After Twitter I move on to Snapchat. Luke's first snap is him wrapped up in his hotel sheets with the caption 'I don't want to get up', his second is him using the crying filter and asking why I'm not answering him and his last one is him making a weird face at the camera with no explanation.

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