Chapter 33

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Having Luke in my world is something new. I don't really know how to put it into words but I've known him over a year now and he's never been here; in my home, at my favorite coffeeshop, on my couch.

Sure I've been in his world with screaming girls and hotel rooms and he's seen my mom's house but this, this was different.

Surreal in a way.

Half of the time he's just a face on my computer screen. I constantly see him everywhere in stores and on the TV so it's just a little strange to have him on my bed in the flesh.

"You know the movies great too if you want to actually give it a watch," Luke glances away from my laptop screen with a teasing grin. "What?" I blink away. "Do I have something on my face or something?" He chuckles. "Oh, no. Sorry," I mutter with flushed cheeks.

"Something on your mind?" He hums pressing pause on the movie we were watching.

"No, it's just-" I sigh. "Isn't it weird that you're here?" Luke's eyebrows pull together and his lips turn down in a slight frown. "N-no! God, that came out wrong. That's's just..." I start to scramble for words. "I'm just always seeing you in magazines and on TV and all over the internet." I try explaining my word vomit but his frown only deepens.

"Well this is a few months late don't you think?" Luke pulls back a bit. "What?" It takes me a second to think about what he was trying to say.

I remember the time at the beginning of all this where he shared concerns about him being famous and I realize how he could have misinterpreted and how terribly wrong my words were coming out.

"No, Luke, listen. That's not- I just, you're here. I was just watching one of your interviews the other day on a computer screen and now, now you're here in my room," I sputter out. He still looks confused and closed off so clearly this wasn't going my way.

"It's just surreal. We haven't really been around each other very long without thousands of girls and friends and crew members surrounding us."

"I'm sorry," he offers with a puzzled look on his face. "No-" I let out a huff of breath. "Don't apologize. Okay," I take a deep breath, moving the laptop and shifting toward him.

"This isn't- I'm not like, starstruck or anything. We just spend a lot of our time talking to each other through technology. We've known each other for over a year now and I've only seen you in person for maybe a months worth of days. And the handful of times we did see each other were away from here. So it's just almost like a dream to have you here with me."

Luke's features soften. "A good dream?" He cocks his brow. "The best," I assure. He nips at his lip ring and nods his head. I can finally breathe again.

"So you've been watching my interviews..." Luke sing songs with a small smile playing at his lips. "That's what you got from all that?" I roll my eyes. "Yeah, you're a stalker. You stalk me," he teases. "Shut up. It was a couple interviews, whatever," I shrug.

"Do you do that a lot?" He muses. "Look, you go m.i.a. sometimes so I have to check up on you some way," I reason.

"Oh so you check up on me?" He continues his teasing. "Can we please just get back to the movie?" I sit back in my spot a respectful distance to his right. "I bet you follow update accounts don't you stalker?" Luke nudges my shoulder playfully and the touch sends a bolt of electricity up my arm.

"Please. You're so full of yourself," I roll my eyes lightheartedly.

"Just admit it, you like to stalk me," he shrugs with a cocky grin. "It's not stalking and I wouldn't have to do it if you'd just let me know you weren't dead more often," I sniff. "Call it what you want, you aren't fooling me Penelope."

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