Chapter 15

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Things go smoother than I thought they would. A whole week goes by and not once do I reach for my phone to call or text Luke. I don't mope around much to Sean and Haley's confusion and I'm actually getting the healthy amount of sleep a normal person should get.

Everything was fine and life was not even a tiny bit harder. It's like he never even existed. Luke who?

Except, it's not that simple is it? He wasn't just Luke. Some whatever teenage boy who I never had to see or hear from again. No. He was Luke. The famous teenage boy whose songs were on the radio and face was in magazines all over the place.

Of course I still knew who he was, of course I thought of him more than I probably should have, of course I was constantly reaching for my phone to tell him something. But it wasn't my fault. I couldn't undo knowing who he was or what his stupid band looked/sounded like.

Still, it really was easy to ignore it all first. As soon as the exams stopped needing studying for and the classes stopped needing attending it was a lot harder to be distracted.

Funny thing is I didn't even realize I was using it all as a distraction until it stopped. Then it all came crashing down and the nights got lonely without his annoying voice talking my ear off and not letting me sleep. The days grew longer and dragged on boringly with no ridiculous jokes or random photo from the blonde boy.

It was around the first or second day with no word from him that I found myself embarrassingly looking him up. I told myself it was just going to be for a second. Just to make sure he did in fact have his phone on him.

I don't know why part of me thought maybe he didn't. Joke was on me though because he was seen out and about, some photos with his phone in his hand and he was fairly active on his social media - which I definitely didn't spend hours going through.

It was one slip up. One little day where I had to actually search him for the first time since finding out who he was.

Truthfully, it was weird. Partly because half of me hadn't fully registered that he was the same person I'd been talking to.

That wasn't just it though. It just also felt like I was invading his privacy which is ridiculous in itself I know. He lives his life in the public eye and thousands of people see the same things I looked through on a daily basis. Knowing this didn't make me feel any less guilty though and I haven't done it since.

It got harder not to do when break started so Haley decided to make me visit home with her. Sean stood back to 'work' but I had a feeling it had a lot more to do with the fact that Jeff was actually starting to show some interest in him.

Which leaves us back here. Me in my old room that hasn't changed in the slightest. Sometimes I think maybe my mom's just waiting for me to call her and tell her I'm coming back home for good.

My bedding is the same sunflower set its always been, the walls are the same hideous shade of two different blues, the dressers not moved even an inch, and the curtains are still see-through with the worst sun coverage possibly ever. The only thing that has changed is Haley's room was no long across from my own. Instead, it was now her mom's new and improved gym.

Haley refused to sleep on the couch at hers so she snuck into my own bed just before I knocked out last night.

Speak of the devil.

"What?" I eye her curiously from where she stands at the entrance of my bathroom. Her eyes are wide, her phone in her hand, and her toothbrush paused in her mouth. She looks likes she's debating whether to tell me or not. "What?" I insist, sitting up in bed.

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