Chapter 4

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Talking to a complete stranger is....strange. There's no face to the person you're speaking to so subconsciously we often make up an entire being in our own heads. We don't really know how this person looks or sounds or if they're anything like the person we think they are.

In reality it's hard to be one hundred percent open and honest and completely you when there's a screen between you and the person you're speaking to. You really only hear whatever they're willing to share and what side of themselves they want you to know.

That in mind, I happen to enjoy talking to this stranger. He's as strange sober as he is drunk, he has an odd love for cereal but hates mornings, he's busy quite a lot so he must do something time-consuming, he makes terrible puns and always insists I have to watch the newest documentary he's obsessed with.

He loves the beach and the sun and hot weather for reasons beyond me. He's always with his friends who he's constantly complaining about - more in the morning when he's grumpy, so much so that I almost feel like I know them more than I do him.

In my head, he's a local boy. Someone on campus probably studying film or something of the sort with how many documentaries he watches. He's an intelligent human being who probably likes deep intellectual conversations about people and things.

In my head, he's sweet and kind and enjoys company even if there's no conversation going on. Most boys at my school look about the same so I take turns switching his face everyday depending on our conversation.

When he's cranky he's the dark haired boy in my Tuesday evening class making snarking comments under his breath. When he's in one of his funny moods full of bad puns and bubblegum wrapper jokes he's the lighthearted Korean worker at the bookstore I often visit that Haley briefly dated a few months back.

When he's supportive and sweet he's the beautiful honey-brown skinned boy who always smells of freshly baked goods and lives down the hall who I often talk to whenever I'm feeling homesick.

My point is, I have no idea who this stranger is or what he looks like. Which has been shutting down my brain and its ability to function properly for weeks now. Yes I know little things about him but I don't actually know him. These are just little things he's mentioned casually or that I've picked up on.

I want to know things.

I want to know what was the first documentary he watched and what it was that got him hooked. I want to know what he does that makes him so busy all the time. I want to know why he loves the beach so much. I want to know what he looks like and what the hell his actual name is.

Yodel: Sorry, was sleeping

P: sleeping?

Yodel: Yes

P: It's 5 in the evening????

Yodel: No, it's 12 in the afternoon
Yodel: Timezones p

P: I thought you said you were on a break now?

Yodel: I am

P: Dont people usually go home during breaks?

Yodel: I am home

P: Well where's that?

Yodel: Wouldn't you like to know ;-)

P: I would. That's why I asked.

Yodel: ¯\_()_/¯

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