Chapter 30

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Coming home experience. I head straight to Nick's to confess where I'd actually been. Lucky for me he's not one for social media so it was a softer blow hearing it from me rather than someone else somewhere on the internet.

He's confused at first but slowly starts to understand I couldn't exactly tell him who my friends were if I was asked not to. He's nice like that. Trusting. Maybe a bit too trusting.

But that was an argument for another day.

Now, I know in my head I should have told Nick about Luke and the kissing and the feelings. I mean, I was already coming clean about the trip I might as well have told him it all. But for some reason I didn't. I couldn't. Whether that was because I still wanted to be with him or simply because I didn't think Luke was serious about his post-tour promises I couldn't quite tell.

Although talking to Nick was tough, nothing was more draining and harder than coming home to Haley and Sean.

While Haley's all give me every detail down to the last second, Sean is strictly scolds and how could you leave without us. It's exhausting and time consuming and by the end of it they're far from satisfied.

There's some things I do keep out of the details so they get the same explanation Nick got but a bit more details on Calum's naked bum. I figure it's best for everyone that what Luke and I shared stay between us until everything is squared away.

Sean says he forgives me but spends the week muttering things under his breath and being petty.


Luke being on tour and going from city to city proves to be difficult. The more he's on the move the less time we have to talk to each other. If I'm lucky I'll get a morning text from him because he's usually too tired by the end of the night to pick up his phone and he likes to remind me he hasn't forgotten me yet.

It's sweet sure and I admit they are texts I definitely look forward to but this was only proving my point further. This was no way to have a relationship and I find myself in awe of how his girlfriend can do it.

Granted maybe it's different with her. Maybe he actually puts in an effort to text her more than once and call or even Skype. It's justified of course. She's his girlfriend. I was not. Girlfriends rank over friends when you're touring for sure.

Did that mean I didn't spend half my nights staying up thinking about how much I disliked her? Absolutely not.

I knew it wasn't her fault, I knew she didn't really have a say in it but I didn't care. She was the enemy. She was the girl who had his heart. The girl who could hold his hand whenever she wanted, wherever she wanted.

She got to kiss his incredibly soft lips and tell everyone he was hers. She got him in every possible way. More so than I do or probably ever will and I was feeling a feeling I'd never felt before.

A weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that felt a little like anger and sometimes my heart does this thing when I see them together. Apparently it's jealousy or so says google. But I don't get jealous. I've never actually been jealous.

Well, maybe once when I was seven and Haley got a puppy the week I begged my mom for one and ended up with a lecture about not being ready for one instead.

And much like now I was bitter and thought ignoring Haley would somehow help. It didn't. It just meant I had no dog and no best friend. Haley's mom returned it a few weeks later anyway, the dog peed in one of her favorite expensive shoes and Haley said it didn't even really like her much.

Unlike that experience, I don't go for the silent treatment. My first instinct was to ignore Luke, yes, but then I realized what good would that do? He was already halfway around the world the last thing we needed was more distance.

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