Chapter 18

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Going to pick up my car doesn't exactly turn out to be just getting my car. No because Luke calls as we're on the way and of course Haley answers and tells him we're nearly already there which results in Luke saying he's going to meet us there and Calum and Ashton greeting us at the front of the building.

I honestly just wanted it to be a smooth quick pick up. No need to fuss. I'm sure they're busy and if that meant putting off hanging out then so be it.

However, they insist they aren't busy and even suggest we all go out to some party a friend of theirs was having.

"Oh, uh. I don't-" I begin to gently decline the offer. "We'd love to," Haley cuts in all big smiles and over enthusiasm. "Well what kind of party is it? I'm not the best with big crowds," I chuckle to soften the words but my anxiety truly didn't like parties.

"Nothing big, I promise. It's just a small little hang out with some friends," Calum says easily. There's something about his chocolate brown eyes that make me trust him. He was someone who needed some warming up to before he was himself around you and I'm glad some of that was starting to come out more.

"What you're wearing is fine," Ashton chimes in next to him. I look myself up and down. If jeans and a shirt were fine then this must be a Joe type party. One where everyone is chilled and just having a good time. Nothing too big. I hope I was right. I sigh.

"Okay. Sure, why not." Ashton and Calum break into smiles and Haley joins in as they all cheer and holler about how great this was going to be.

Luke must have a key or something because he walks in mid-cheering and hollering wearing a confused look on his face. "What are you guys doing?"

Everyone turns their attention to him and the tall dark haired girl next to him. I swallow down a sudden thickness in my throat. "Penelope agreed to come with us tonight!" Ashton shouts. Luke's face twists up but he tries covering it was a small laugh. "You don't like parties, they make you anxious," he states soft and concerned.

Something about him remembering makes me feel some type of way.

My cheeks flush. "I know. But, nothing big right?" I look over at Calum. He sends me a sweet smile and nods. "Nothing big." When I look over at Luke he looks at a loss for words. We stay exchanging various looks to each other mainly questioning ones from me and stubborn ones from him.

"Where's Michael?" Haley interrupts like the angel she is. "Good question. I'll call him," Ashton offers, walking away with his phone pressed to his ear.

The girl with her fingers clasped with Luke's clears her throat. "Oh. Haley, P, this is Hazel, my, er, girlfriend," Luke gestures. "Penelope," I smile politely sending her a small wave, Haley doing the same.

Haley must notice the hitch in my breath when he says the word girlfriend because her hand quickly finds mine with a reassuring squeeze. This doesn't mean anything. I was just...caught off guard. With the excitement of everything I'd completely forgotten about her. Now she was real and in the flesh and it didn't mean anything.

Calum offers everyone a seat and I quietly ask for the bathroom.

Of course Luke's there on my way out and maybe part of me knew he would be. "Are you sure about this? We don't have to go if you're not up for it," he wastes no time cutting to the chase. "What's the matter? Afraid your friends will like me more than you?" I tease because it's what we do.

He sighs, giving me a stern look in the small hall. I roll my eyes. "I'm fine. I promise. If anything goes south, I know how to handle myself." Luke draws back a bit shaking his head. "If anything goes south you find me and I'll take you somewhere else."

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