Chapter 11

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Waiting to hear from Luke again is kinda like waiting for a bus, you watch other buses and cars pass by and people walking by all around you. Everyone else is moving and going but you, you're just stuck there waiting for a bus you need to catch.

Sure you could skip the bus all together, call a cab or uber or something but there's always that chance at the back of your head that once you do your bus'll pull up and you'll have missed it.

In other words, I was a sitting duck. My phone was on full volume, my phone line was clear from any other calls, wherever I went my phone went, I took quite possibly the quickest shower ever and when asked by my roommates about wanting to get some coffee I declined mostly polite.

Its been almost a full day now since he hung up in such a rush. I told myself I'd give it a day. One day. If there's no word from him by the 24 hour mark then I'd block his number just like the rest of the creeps that have texted or called.

However, unlike the other creeps, I'm actually kind of pulling for him. Hoping he'll make it before the cutoff. I couldn't tell you why but I was and it was almost as frustrating as having to wait to hear a name I already knew.

But it wasn't just about the name. It's about all of it, everything. It's about actually getting to know this person I've been talking to for nearly three months now. It's about getting to see what he looks like, who he is, what he does, why he's so secretive, if maybe he does remember how he got my number.

It's about talking to him and learning about him. Luke. Not yodel or someone else I've made up in my own mind. It's like getting to know a completely different person.

The clock must be pulling for him too because I swear it's going slower than usual. In fact, everything was going slower than usual. Almost like I was living in slow motion in a way and I couldn't wait to get back to normal speed.

I don't know what exactly I was expecting when Luke asked not to be blocked yet but I was thinking something along the lines of a phone call. Or maybe a text explaining everything because I for one was completely lost on the subject.

Do I get either of these though? No. Of course I don't. I get one text. One text. One word, or rather, one name. Luke. Nothing else. Not even a 'my name is' for all I know he's calling me Luke. Which I know he isn't because I know his name is Luke but he doesn't know that.

So I've waited just about 24 hours to get a one word reply of a name I already knew was his.

There's so much going through my head I don't even know where to begin. I wait a few more minutes just to see if he'll say anything else and after 10 I figure that's all I'm going to get.

P: That's it?

Yodel: Huh?

P: I know your name is Luke already your girlfriend said it when you called me drunk the other day

Yodel: Wait you know my name?

P: Yes.

Yodel: And you're still mad? But I know your name and you know mine

P: 🙄 it's not about the name

Yodel: Then I'm confused ☹️

P: I don't know anything about you. And you don't know anything about me. We're complete strangers and for some reason you're okay with that but I'm not.
P: You know my name, you know my friends names and about them, you know I go to school, you know how old I am, I'm assuming you know where I'm from considering you found my number somewhere around here
P: /You even know where my mom lives/
P: I don't even know if you have a mom!

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