First Day of Senior Year Part I

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A/N: Hi again! I hope everyone had an awesome week and that everyone liked the previous chapter!!!!! Don't forget to comment below to tell me what you think about the story :) Any book names or songs mentioned in this story are NOT mine and I take no credit for writing any of them. Anyways, onto the story......

Alex's POV

"Ok, here goes....what do you think of Tiffany Anderson?" I asked my best friend Cassie.

"Well, she seems nice, i guess..." Cassie lied

"I'm glad that you think that, because I'm going to ask Tiffany out tomorrow and I wanted to know what you thought of her", I replied with a grin on my face.

"Glad I was of help then" Cassie softly replied

"So, what did you want to talk to me about Cassie?" I asked her

"Oh, just wanted to say my mom is making her famous lasagna for dinner tonight and she wanted me to invite you over, because she knows that its your favorite food" Cassie said.

"YES!!!!! Of course i'll come over, let's go" I shouted as I grabbed Cassie's hand and we ran back to her house.

Cassie's POV

I felt my heart break even more after Alex told me the news. I know I should have talked to him earlier about it, but I didn't expect him to ask out Tiffany of all people! She's hated my guts ever since I accidentally crashed into her in the cafeteria and all my food got over her fancy clothes. Ever since that dreadful day freshman year; she has despised me. I kept trying to apologize to her and tell her that it was honestly an accident, but she never wanted to listen.

"At least I didn't tell him and risk feeling humiliated" I quietly mumbled to myself.



"Ugh!!! It's way too early to get up. Seriously! Why do we have to start school at 7:30am. Why can't it be at 10:00 am or something" I muttered, completely mad at being forced to get up early. Granted though, it probably wasn't a smart idea for me to start a new book series last night. I began to read the book, The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater and I couldn't put it down, so I landed up finishing the entire book all in one go last night. Not a very smart idea on my part, because I woke up with a splitting head and felt completely exhausted.

I put my alarm clock on snooze, cuddled back into my bed and tried to go back to sleep.

However, apparently sleep wasn't foreseen in my future. Because the minute I put my head back on my pillow, my mother said,

"Cassandra Anna Williams!!!!!! Get up now or you will be late for school! Don't make me come up there", my mother shouted from downstairs.

A second after she said that, my door flew open and Alex approached my bed.

"Good morning, Cassie", Alex beamed at me.

"How are you so happy? It's 7:00am on a Monday and its the 1st day of school. You know what, why don't you go downstairs and i'll go get ready, okay?" I ask Alex.

"Yeah right, I know you Cassie. The second I leave the room, you will go back to sleep and then next thing you know we both will be late to school. Besides, I want to see if I can go and talk to Tiffany before the 1st bell rings" Alex explained to me.

"No thanks, I think i'll just stay here in my warm comfy bed and go back to sleep. You can come to my house later and tell me how the 1st day went", I responded.

"I don't think so, Cass. Come on, just get out of bed", Alex pleaded with me.

"No", I muffled in my pillow.

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