The End

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Cassie's POV

"So, do you guys want to explain to us what you were up to?", my mom teased.

"Well, it's kind of a long story-", I began.

"Oh, we have time. Come and sit you guys", my father motioned us to sit.

"Great, this was going to be a long night" was my immediate thought.

My parents wouldn't stop smirking at the two of us. Clearly they knew what we were up to, because our clothes were still wrinkled. So, either it looks like we were fighting a bear or that we were making out.

Alex grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. Alex and I both tried speaking, but we weren't sure how to word what happened with us. Not to mention, I couldn't stop blushing while thinking about the recent events.

"Aw, look dear. Cassie is blushing, isn't that so adorable", my mom teased.

"Young love, isn't it the cutest thing?", my dad asked my mom as they were holding hands.

"Does that mean we have to give Cassie the sex talk, because-", my mom began to say until I interrupted her.

"Not necessary, mom. So, please stop embarrassing us", I replied as I put my hands on my cheeks to cool them down.

"It's our job to embarrass you, honey. It's in the job description", my dad added.

"So, you guys are finally together right?", my mom eagerly asked us.

"Yeah, we are, Mrs. Williams", Alex answered, causing me to look up at him. He had a huge grin on his face and he was smiling at me.

"I've been telling you for years, dear. No need to call me Mrs. Williams, just call me mom now. You'll be my son-in-law soon anyways", mom replied with a wink, causing Alex to laugh.

"God, make it stop. Can you be any more embarrassing?", I asked.

"Well, we could bring out the baby photos of you if you want", she answered, causing me to groan and I put my head on Alex's shoulder.

My mom turned towards my dad and said, "by the way dear, you owe me $20, I won the bet", causing my dad to reluctantly hand over the money to her.

"You guys put a bet on us?", I questioned.

"Yes, and I won. Your father and I made a bet to see how long it would take for the two of you to get together. I said you guys would get together before the end of high school, while your father said the two of you wouldn't be together until later on in life. Clearly, mothers know everything", she explained as she poke her tongue out at my dad once he coughed up the money he owed.

"Why couldn't you guys wait until after high school was over? Now I'm $20 short", dad muttered as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Don't be a sore loser, dear", my mom answered as she kissed his cheek.

"Well, as fun as this was. We're going to head over to tell Alex's parents now. I'll see you tonight for dinner", I said as I pulled Alex off the couch and headed towards the front door.

"Okay, have fun and make sure you keep your cell phone on", mom shouted as we shut the door.

Alex turned towards me and said, "your parents are so funny! I hope my parents react the same way, minus giving me the sex talk again".

"Everyone thinks each other parents are cool except the child of the parents", I replied as I swung our interlocked hands.

Just as we reached Alex's car, Alex stopped, causing me to come to a halt. "Besides, now I get to do this", he said as he leaned in and kissed me. Once we pulled apart, I had a huge grin on my face.

"Wait until we tell the gang tomorrow at school", I reminded him.

"They'll definitely be excited for us, at least now they can stop being frustrated at how oblivious we are apparently", Alex answered as we drove off.

School the next day

We walked into school the next day, holding hands and walked to my locker.

The entire gang was at my locker, and as they saw Alex and I holding hands, they rushed over to us with huge smiles on their faces.

"It's about time!", Meg shouted as us, causing everyone to laugh.

"Hey! We're not the only ones here who are oblivious", I teased as I glanced at Meg and Lily, causing them to blush and ask me what I was talking about.

Once we answered their question, that yes we are together, the loser of the bets begrudgingly placed the money into the winners hands.

The day went extremely well, and Alex and I wouldn't stop smiling at each other as we held hands.

We were happily together, that was until Alex cheated on me with Daniella from our literature class. After that, we broke up and have remained just friends since then.

The End

Haha, just kidding! Do you want to know what really happened?

Well, Meg and Jax finally got together, along with Lily and Aaron. It took some serious planning, but we managed to get them together.

Surprisingly enough, Jason and Tiffany got together in the end. They found they had a lot in common when they were paired up together in Calculus. Tiffany even began tutoring Jason, and he managed to ace the class!

Surprisingly enough, the entire gang got accepted to the same college, which happened to be perfect for each of their respective majors. Aaron went to school for drama, Lily for art school, Liam for computer science, Sophia for pre-med, Jax for engineering, Meg for education, Alex for physical therapy, and I chose a double major in psychology and social work.

Even after we graduated college, we all managed to remain close, and we even brought an apartment a few years later, which was in the middle of all of our workplaces.

Despite my fear that Alex would never know how I truly felt about him, it completely disappeared after that one rainy day, after school in his car. After that day, I couldn't be any happier for how my life and all of my friends lives turned out. I never thought we would come this far, but I have no complaints or regrets of what happened in the past. Now, I look forward to the future everyday, taking one step at a time.

THE END!!!!!!!

A/N: Thank you to everyone who's made this wonderful journey with me through Cassie and Alex's story. This being my first book, I was hesitant to write and get this story out for the public. Thank you for taking the time to read this book, I am completely and utterly grateful that you did!!!!! I'm aware the ending may seem fast paced and abrupt, but I feel as though their journey has finally come to a close, and there are no more words needed to draw out their story. For the last time for this story, I'm signing off!

P.S. I'm kind of working on a new story, I'm not sure yet if I will publish it or not, so be on the lookout though if I do!

x readdreamsleep21

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