New Year's Eve Party

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A/N: Above is a picture of the dress that Cassie is wearing for the New Year's Eve party.

Alex's POV

The guys turned and looked at me with smirks on their faces.

"What was that, huh, Alex?", Aaron playfully asked me.

"A kiss, have you never seen one before?", I sarcastically replied.

"No kidding Sherlock. We weren't born yesterday you know", Liam responded.

"Besides, that definitely wasn't just a kiss. That was an entire make out scene in front of the entire class, man", Jax added with a smirk.

"It was just a kiss for the scene. We were acting so we had to make it seem believable. I got to say, clearly we did a bang up job if you guys think it seemed real", I joked.

Apparently none of them thought it was funny since they gave me the "we know you're lying, and you better spill it" look.

"Okay, okay! You all don't need to gang up on me about a kiss, though", I told them.

"Seriously, Alex. When are you going to talk to Cassie about how you feel? It's been awhile, and enough is enough", Liam firmly said.

"Yeah, the tension is so obvious between the two of you. Clearly you both feel the same about each other, man up and ask her out already!", Jax added.

"I agree with Jax and Liam. If you don't talk to Cassie soon, someone else is going to come and sweep her off her feet. Then you could kiss away any chance the two of you have", Aaron hinted.

"I know, you guys are right. I wasn't sure exactly how I felt about Cassie, but I just figured it out before the kiss. Then I tried talking to her, but someone interrupted us," I said as I looked at Liam.

The culprit only avoided my gaze and began whistling nonchalantly.

"Anyways, I don't know what to do. You know how fickle the girls are. I doubt they'll want to be near any of us during break", I said.

"Just go to Cassie's place and get her to talk to you. It isn't rocket science, man", Jax suggested.

"It's Christmas soon so get her a nice gift as well. You could tell her that you have a gift for her, and ease her into the conversation. I'm a genius!", Aaron confidently mentioned.

"Mr.Ego, cool it down will you. Anyways, you got this Alex and we have your backs if you need us", Liam added.

"That's the sweetest thing you've ever said Liam", I playfully told him.

"Honestly, why am I friends with you guys? I ask myself that every day", Liam said while shaking his head.

"Because we're awesome of course!", Jax said while putting his arm around Liam.

"Whatever helps you sleep better at night, Jax", Liam replied.

"Well, if you really want to know-", Jax began.

"Honestly, I don't really want to know. Good luck Alex", Liam gave me a reassuring smile as he left for class.

"Let's play follow the leader and follow Liam!", Aaron shouted as he ran after Liam.

As Liam saw Aaron fastly approaching him, he said "stranger danger, stranger danger!"

"Don't be like that Liam, we're friends!", Aaron exclaimed.

"My mom told me not to talk to strangers!", Liam childishly said.

"Seriously, how old are you guys?", I asked as I shook my head amusingly.

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