Spring Break (Part 2)

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Cassie's POV  

I have no idea what's been up with Jason and Alex, but it seems they have been competing for something. Whether it's constantly complimenting me or doing small gestures, it was just making me uncomfortable having them both hanging over me the entire time. So, I've mostly hanged out with the girls for the majority of the vacation because I wanted to avoid being stuck between Jason and Alex. But we only had one day left of the vacation, so we decided to hang out with each other.

After we went surfing and relaxed together for the day, we decided to call it a night and went back to our respective rooms. 

Jason dragged me to the arcade to play and we had so much fun that time just flew by! Next thing you know, three hours passed by and we were still laughing from the fifty-year-old man's shocked expression on his face when we beat him. 

"Did you have fun tonight?", Jason questioned as we reached my room.

"Yeah, it's always fun hanging out with you", I teased.

"You sure are something else, Cassie", he replied as he shooked his head.

"Is that a good or a bad thing? Because it can both ways....", I hesitantly asked him.

"Definitely a good thing," he laughed.

"That's good then", I answered as I began to blush.

"You're way too cute for your own good", Jason mentioned as I began blushing harder.

He pulled a strand of my hair that got in front of my face and tucked it behind me ear.

I was thinking to myself, Omigod, I hope he's not planning on trying to kiss me. 

Before I could tell him I wasn't interested in him in that way, he leaned down and gently kissed me on the lips. When I put my hand on his chest to push him away, we saw Alex standing there, looking shocked.

"Alex, wait, it's not what it-", I tried to say as I pulled away from Jason but Alex interrupted me.

"Haha, what? You were going to say it's not what it looks like right? I'm not a fool, Cassie. Give me a little credit, huh. Besides, I'm happy for you guys", Alex replied as he walked off.

"Alex, wait! Can't we talk about this?", I shouted as I walked towards him.

"It's cool, Cassie. You have a boyfriend to get back to, so I'll leave you guys to it", he answered.

"What are you-", I began to ask him.

"Seriously, Cass. There's nothing we need to talk about, it's clear that we don't have feelings for each other anyway, so I have no reason to not be happy for you guys", Alex said as he reached his room and slammed it shut.

"Cassie, what's going on?", Jason asked when he caught up with me.

"Jason, I'm sorry. I don't have feelings for you that way. When you were still here, I had a crush on you, but then you left and things changed. You're a great guy, Jas and I know you'll fall in love with someone who's perfect for you, but that's not me. I'm sorry", I gently explained to him.

"No, I get it. I liked you back then and I guess I should have said something before I left. It's too late now, I guess?", Jason asked.

I nodded my head.

"We can still be friends, right?", he asked.

"Of course, Jason", I answered with a small smile.

"Great. I hate to admit this and never thought I would say this about my opponent, but Alex seems like a good guy, so at least I'll know you'll be in good hands. Night Cassie," he said as he left.

"Night, Jason", I spoke as I entered my room.

I need to talk to the girls.......

Alex's POV

I was still hurt and angry at seeing Cassie and Jason kissing, that I slammed the hotel room shut when I entered it.

Liam, Aaron, and Jax took in my expression in concern and told me to come over.

"You look like a bus hit you, man. What's wrong?", Jax asked.

"Wow, thanks, Jax. I'm glad I look great", I sarcastically replied back.

"Seriously, what happened to you, dude?", Liam questioned.

After I explained to them everything that happened, the guys became quiet and processed everything I said.

"Well, I did tell you that you needed to tell her before someone else did, didn't I?", Aaron asked, causing Liam to punch and glare at him.

"Ow! I was just saying the truth", Aaron muttered as he rubbed his arm.

"You're such an idiot sometimes", Liam replied as he shook his head.

I began pacing the room, trying to calm myself but all I could think of was the kiss I saw.

"What are you going to do, Alex?", Jax asked me.

"I don't know. There's not much to do, I guess. Jason already got to her before I did, and I guess she liked him back considering she kissed him back", I explained to them, feeling worse saying it out loud.

"Well, did you talk to her after she saw you?", Liam questioned.

"No, I walked off before she could explain", I muttered as I shoved my hand in my hair.

"You idiot! Why didn't you talk to her? You can't make assumptions from just what you see, you should have let her explained. You should have learned from Liam and Sophia if assumptions weren't drawn and they just talked it out at that moment, they would have been together sooner", Aaron logically explained to me.

"Are you just asking to be punched today, Aaron?", Liam glared at Aaron.

"It's not like I'm wrong, Liam. I'm just trying to help", Aaron shrugged his shoulder.

"What do I do guys?", I asked them as I put my head in my hands.

"Don't give up hope yet, Alex. Things may not be as you think they are. Besides, we're leaving the resort and heading back home tomorrow, so why don't you just let yourself cool off and then talk to here when we go back home?", Jax suggested.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Jax. Thanks for the suggestion", I replied.

"Then when you have cooled off, go and talk to Cassie and hear her out", Liam added.

"You going to be good?", Aaron asked as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I think so. Let's just call it a night, I'm tired and we have an early flight to catch tomorrow anyways", I answered.

"Sounds good", the guys shouted as we went to bed.

I hope the guys are right was my last thought, as I felt myself drifting off to sleep....

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