The Balcony Scene

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A/N: As you could tell from the title, Cassie and Alex are going to do the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet! So above, I attached a clip from one of the film adaptations of the balcony scene. I hope everyone enjoys the chapter!!!!

Cassie's POV

I tried to find Alex when I came to school in the morning, but I couldn't find him anywhere.

At lunch time, he practically inhaled a hamburger and french fries and dashed off, mumbling something about having to do a project due today. So, I didn't get a chance to talk to him. Well, there's always Lit class to talk, I guess....

Once everyone was gathered in the theatre for our literature class, Mrs. Hooper eagerly greeted us. The way that she was running around the room in excitement and flailing her arms to get everyone into their places, she seemed like a little kid on a sugar high.

"Ok, everyone. We're going to be doing the balcony scene today! Cassie, stand up on the desk and pretend you're on a balcony and Alex stand right below her", Mrs. Hooper instructed us.

"And, action!", Aaron shouted from his seat.

Act 2 Scene 2 (I didn't include the entire balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet, instead I cut some parts but tried to leave enough that it would make sense. For anyone who hasn't read Romeo and Juliet, there's a great website called No Fear Shakespeare in Sparknotes that explains what each line means in modern terms).


JULIET appears in a window above

JULIET enters on the balcony.

But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?

It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,

It is my lady. Oh, it is my love.


"Isn't that sweet, a 13 year old girl is being serenaded by a 16 year old guy. Who wouldn't find that endearing", Peter, one of our classmates, sarcastically said.

"Mr. Jacobson, I would appreciate it if you could cut out your commentary until the end", Mrs. Hooper replied to his comment.

"Yeah, Peter. Maybe if you took Romeo's approach to impress a person, you would be dating someone and wouldn't be complaining about the play!", Lisa shot back at Peter.

"Who even says woo anymore, Lisa? The middle ages called, they want their word back", Peter told her.

"At least I could get a date, unlike some people", Lisa retorted.

"Ooh, burn!", Jax shouted as all of us began laughing.

"I guess you have nothing else to say Mr. Jacobson?", Mrs. Hooper asked.

"No, Mrs. Hooper", Peter muttered with his face down.

"Good, Cassie, resume where you left off please", Mrs. Hooper said.


Ay me!


     (aside) She speaks.

O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art

As glorious to this night, being o'er my head,

As is a wingèd messenger of heaven

Unto the white, upturnèd, wondering eyes

Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him

When he bestrides the lazy-puffing clouds

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