First Day of Senior Year Part II

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A/N: Hope everyone once again had a wonderful weekend!!!!! Any book names or songs mentioned in this story are NOT mine and I take no credit for writing any of them. I'm just going to skip along to the story, so read on......

Alex's POV

"Hm, I wonder what's up with Cassie? Maybe something bad happened to her while she was in class or something....I'll go talk to her when I see her in class later", I thought to myself.

Flash forward to middle hour in the afternoon (Sorry I forgot to mention before but everyone's schedule consists of 3 hour long classes in the morning, lunch and then 3 hour long classes in the afternoon and then they get to go home)

I was excited to get to my AP Lit class. Why you ask? Because the entire gang had that class, so we could hangout and have fun hopefully.

As I entered the classroom, I noticed that the gang occupied a section of the middle of the classroom. I noticed that everyone was sitting in pairs. Lily and Aaron, Megan and Jax and Sophia and Liam were sitting next to each other but there was one vacant seat next to Cassie. Perfect, now I have a chance to talk to her more and see if I could figure out what's wrong.

As I approached the seat next to Cassie, I saw her give me a smile and I quickly returned it back to her.

"So, do you want to talk about earlier?", I quietly asked Cassie.

"What are you talking about, Alex?" She asked as she tried to act dumb, but I can see through her act.

"Seriously, Cass. I know there is something wrong. I'm not an idiot, I saw how sad you looked earlier when you left the group....just tell me what's going on so that I can fix it," I told her feeling frustrated and upset that she wouldn't tell me what was going on.

"I'm just tired from not getting alot of sleep last night. That's all. There's nothing to worry about, i'm fine," Cassie assured me.

"Were you up late reading another book again," I asked her with a smirk on my face. "You know that's not good for you, you'll be so exhausted that you won't be able to concentrate on school or anything you know".

"Yeah, yeah I know Mom", she jokingly told.

"Okay, if you're sure you're alrig-", I started.

"Honestly, i'm fine", she replied.

"Ok, i'll accept that for now", I told her with a grin on my face. Something in my gut was still telling me there was something wrong but I chose to let it go.

"Okay class, we're going to start talking about Shakespeare today so-", our teacher, Mrs. Hooper began.

Complaints and groans were heard around the room.

"Yeah, yeah. Keep grunting all you want but we're still going to talk about Shakespeare. As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, read chapter 1 and 2 now and complete the questions at the end of the chapters for homework tonight. No exceptions!", Mrs. Hooper exclaimed.

Forward to the end of the day

I shut off the ignition as I reached my driveway. There was still something nagging me that Cassie wasn't telling me the complete truth, so I turned to her to ask once again.

"You positive there isn't anything else you want to talk about? Did something say or do something you? If there is something wrong, you should tell me. I'm your best friend. Let me help you..." I urged as I turned to Cassie.

"Nothing happened. I'm fine", Cassie replied.

Cassie's POV

I was frustrated at this point with Alex constantly asking me if there was something wrong. I just wanted to go home and finish my work. As I finally got tired of speaking about it, I put my head down and kept my gaze on the floor of the car.

Alex softly pulled my chin and turned it so I would be facing him.

"I'm your best friend, Cassie. I just hate seeing you upset and not being able to do something to help. If you don't want to talk about it, i'll let it go if you want," Alex faintly said as he gazed into my eyes.

"Yeah, can we just let it go please", I responded back.

"Okay, how about you come inside? My mom's making Alfredo pasta tonight. I know its your favorite, so why don't you come and eat with us. Besides, my parents have been complaining to me about how they haven't seen in your ages and they want you come over." Alex said with a smile.

"You know I can't say no to my favorite food. Let's go, we can work on our homework until dinner." I said with a huge smile on my face

"Awesome, let's go!!!!!!" Alex shouted as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his house.

I couldn't help but blush as he was holding my hand, so I kept my head down until I could calm the blush on my cheeks.


Alex's Mom, Cynthia instantly greeted me with a huge smile on her face and wrapped me in a huge hug.

"Hi dear, how are you? I haven't seen you in SO long!", she shouted as she pulled me into a tight hug which left me struggling to breathe.

"Sweetheart, I think you're stifling Cassie, Steve said as he tried to suppress his laughter. He managed to pull his wife off of me and pulled me into a bear hug.

"My parents are so weird", Alex murmured. I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"No, you're parents are so sweet!", I replied. They are practically like my 2nd parents and Alex's house is pretty much my 2nd home.

"Alex dear, can you and Cassie set up the table please. I'm about to serve dinner.", Cynthia asked.

"Sure" we both agreed and set up the table.

The food was amazing!!!! We had Alfredo pasta and garlic bread with a caesar salad for dinner. Cynthia's cooking was phenomenal.

After talking about college applications, Cynthia decided that she wanted to tease me. She, along with my mom were aware of my crush on Alex and would constantly playfully tease me about it.

"So, are you dating anyone Cassie?", Cynthia teased.

Immediately, I could feel the blush on my face and ducked my head down to try and calm it.

Before I could even respond to Cynthia, Alex quickly interjected.

"No, Cassie would have told me...right, Cass?", Alex asked me.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend", I replied with a huge blush on my face.

"Ahn, you both are so cute!!!!!! When are you guys going to start dating already?", Cynthia gushed as she took in mine and Alex's expressions.

Both mine and Alex's faces looked like cherries after what Cynthia said. After that, we both glanced at each other and blushed even more if that was possible and looked away from each other.

Once our face somewhat went back to our normal complexion, I told Cynthia thank you for dinner and said my goodbyes.

Alex walked me back to my house and I still had a small blush on my face.

"You know, you're pretty cute when you blush", Alex lightly said. "Goodnight, Cassie", he told me and departed back to his house.

"Night Alex", I whispered as I entered my house.

Little did I know, that wouldn't be the last time I blushed for awhile. Tomorrow would be quite an interesting day for me and the gang. It would all start in my AP Lit class.....

So, what do you think is going in the gang's AP Lit class? Read on next week to find out what happens next! I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment below! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

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