Introducing Me

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"Ri, stop daydreaming and clean the table!", said Daisy.
"Sorry Daisy I'll get to it", I said.
Well I guess I should introduce myself my name's Riley Stone. I'm 18 and I have black hair brown eyes. I'm tan, I'm about 5'8 and I wouldn't say I'm fat I'm pretty fit considering I'm a street fighter. I work out on a daily basis. I know what you're thinking street fighting are you CRAZY !! Yes it's dangerous but I need the money. My dad was a gang leader and taught me self defense growing up. Well now that we're taking about family lets see my mom died when I was about 10 , she was murdered by a rival gang that wanted my dad. I resemble my mom a lot so when my mom died it devastated my dad. She was the love of his life. But as I got older my dad avoided me like the plague along with my 5 brothers. The boys were close with my mom. You see my brothers are a lot older then me. My dad has brown hair green eyes and would be about 50, my oldest bro is 28 his name is Derrick, he has my mom's black hair but my dad's green eyes. Then there's Ryan he is 27, he looks exactly like my dad. After him is Danny he is 25. He looks like Derrick but a little shorter and younger. Next there's Aaron and Alex they're twins and they're 23. They have my dad's brown hair and my mom's brown eyes. Lastly there's me, I'm the youngest and only girl. I left my dad and brothers when I was 15 because I was tired of being ignored. Well thats pretty much my life. But back to work. I work at Bob's cafe it's my day job as some people would say. Then I street fight at night.
"Riley after your shift is over do you wanna go to the mall ?" said Daisy. "You know I can't I have to study." "Come on have a little fun Ri."
"Sorry, maybe another time."
"You always say that", she said a little disappointed.
"Riley your shift is over", said my boss.
"BYE! Daise see you tomorrow", I said.
I don't have a car so I walk but I know this town like the back of my hand. I live in a small house. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. I get my keys and walk inside, I go to my room and got ready to take a shower. I changed into a grey sports bra and some sweatpants and dreaded that I had to go to "school" aka hell tommorow.

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