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I can't believe I kissed Logan. I can't stop thinking about it. It's Monday and right now I'm getting ready. I decided I'm going to wear leggings, a long sleeve flower shirt, pink converse and of course my black glasses. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door to school. I walk to my locker and I feel someone's hand around my waist, I tensed and grabbed there hand, twisted it and through them against the locker. "Relax it's just me", said Logan. Damn you Logan I laughed. "Sorry I didn't think you would freak out and go ape shit on me", he said truthfully. Sorry I said embarrased hiding me face. "Don't hind your face, your cute when you blush", he said lifting my head. That made me blush even more. "Logan what are you doing to that poor girl",screamed Leila across the hall. "What do you mean",asked Logan smirking." She's blushing like a tomato", she said pointing to my face. God I'm so embarrassed, my face is probably all red. "Aww she looks cute",said Max teasing me. All right now I'm mad. I won't be so cute when you're in a coma at the hospital I said innocently. That shut them all up right away. I smirked knowing that I scare them. "Can I ask you something", asked Natalie. Sure I said. "Why do you wear nerd clothes when you are clearly, not a nerd", she finished. Because I don't want people to find out I'm Rebel I stated. "Why", asked Kim. Personal I responded with a monotone voice. Well I should be headed to class, so see you guy 4th period I asked." Yep", they all replied. Bye I said and kissed Logan's cheek. After 4th period with the gang, I had to go to the bathroom. "Well, well look who it is the boyfriend stealer", hissed Brittney. He was never your boyfriend Brittney I said. "He could have if you listened and stayed away", she said with confidence. Really I doubt he even knows your name I said truthfully. "Whatever, just watch your back. Oh and Riley, Nick says hi", she smirked and walked away. How does she know him I thought to myself. That's when the girls ran in. "Are you ok", asked Kelly. Yay I said trying to make it believable. "Really because Briitney came out of the bathroom with a smirk", said Leila. Yay she just thinks she can push me around, but come on I'm starving lets eat I said trying to change the subject. "Alright", said Kim unsurely. We walked into the lunchroom and sat down next to the boys. "Hey what took so long",asked Logan. Nothing just had a little problem, but it's taken care of I said."Riley I know you're lying", he said. Am not I said." Are to", he said back. "Both of you stop whining", stated Leila. "Yes she's lying, Brittany was bothering her in the bathroom." Leila what happened to sisters before misters I stated. "Ri is she telling the truth", said Logan seriously. Maybe, but it doesn't matter it's taken care of I pleaded. "Then why is she looking at you like prey" asked Wes. I looked over and saw he was right she was staring at me like she wanted to kill me." That's creepy", said Connor. " I agree", said Ash. Like I said it's taken care of I said. "Whatever you say it's still creepy", said Connor.
"Hey Ri you should come over", suggested Leila. Sorry I got work I said." Alright but one of these days you are coming over babe", said Logan kissing me. Did you just call ne babe I asked smiling. For some reason I liked it. "Umm maybe", he said blushing. I kissed him and said, see you later... Babe. I walked to the cafe and was bombarded with questions from Daisy. Hey Daise I said. "Don't hey Daise me where were you on Friday", she asked. I wasn't feeling good I lied. "Sure",she said. What about you and your mysterious boy toy I teased. She blushed,"shut up, but he's amazing his name is Parker." Well when do I get to meet him I asked. "Today actual he's picking me up", she said. What a gentleman I laughed. "Whatever, do you have a boy toy", she teased. I blushed shit. "YOU DO", she screamed. Shut up I said covering my face. "What's his name? What does he look like? How long have you been dating?.....", she rambled on with thousands of questions. Shut up his name is Logan and I wouldn't say we are offical but we've kissed. I blushed at the thought of our first kiss. "What do you mean you're not official", she asked. He hasn't asked me out or asked me to be his girlfriend I clarified." Oh well when do I get to meet him", she teased. Don't know I replied honestly. "Why are you embarrassed of me", she pouted. Yes but that's not the reason I said smiling. "Then what is it", she asked suspiciously. I don't know I feel like I'm falling to fast for him, that in the end my heart will be broken I said sadly." Ri you never know until you try", she said. That's when I heard someone say," hey babe." "Parker", screamed Daisy and ran into his arms. Parker was a good looking guy. He was about 6'2, brown hair, brown eyes. He kind of reminded me of a older Wes. "Hi I'm Parker", he said sticking out his hand. Riley I said. So Parker how old are you I asked. "21", he said. Do you have any siblings I asked suspiciously. "Yay his name is Wes", he said. Called it I yelled. Sorry it's just I know Wes and you guys look a like I clarified. "How do you know Wes", he asked. I'm dating his girlfriend's brother Logan", I stated. "You're dating Logan. Wow I thought he would never get a girlfrind", he said. "Well it looks like you two get along", said Daisy" so do I get your approval Ri." Yes but you break her heart I will rip your balls off and feed them to a pack of wolves I said seriously. "I thought you said you would show them down his throat", asked Daisy. I decided to change my plan of torture I said looking over at Parker. He looked scared out of his mind. Well you two have fun I said waving them goodbye. Parker I said. "Yay", he said scared. Relax I just want to talk to you alone I said. "Alright", he said. Are you in the gang business I said seriously. "Yes", he said. Just promise me you'll keep her out of danger, out of the drama. Also does she know?, I asked. "I promise I will and yes she knows", he stated. Just please keep that promise I said walking away.

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