Meeting the man who killed my mom

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Pic of Riley training

Jab, right hook, left hook, uppercut. I'm at Ted's gym I used one of my sick days at the the cafe to get some more training. My knuckles are split and bloody but I just keep punching." Reb if you don't stop you'll hurt yourself", said Ted. I know I said trying to breath. "What's going on with you", asked Ted sincerely. I'm fine really but I think I should go. I grabbed my stuff and ran out the gym and went home. As I'm walking on the sidewalk I bump into someone. Sorry I said helping them up."It's fine", that voice sounded familiar. Shawn I asked."Ya" he said confused. I'm Riley, Lincoln's friend, we met at the bar", I said. "Oh yay how are you",he asked. Good you I said. "Good just busy with work", he stated. Aww well I'll let you get back to work bye Shawn I said walking away. While I'm walking home I pass by an alley and hear a conmotion. "Where's the money Gil", said a voice that seemed really familiar. "Ii don't know",said Gil stuutering. "Oh well I guess we will have to kill you", said the voice. When he said that 4 guys came out of the shadows and they stabbed him. Of course me being a cluts I tripped over a trash can. "Well what do we have hear", said the voice and that's when I remembered who he was....the leader of The Slayers Gang, Nick. The man who killed my mother. "It's nice to see you again all grown up, you look just like your mother", he said with a creepy smile. Get away from me you bastard, I hissed. "Get her boys", he called. Well this will be interesting I thought. Guy 1 charged at me and I punched with in the face and knees him in the balls, following up with hitting his head against the alley wall knocking him out. Guys 2 and 3 came running at me. Guy 2 punched me in the ribs were my bruise was. I winced and kicked him in the shin and kneed him in the gut. Then guy 3 managed to surprise me and stab me. I pulled the blade out and stabbed guy 2 in the head. Guy 3 looked scared I punched him in the face multiple times and then kicking him against in the head hard. Which knocked him out. Then guy 4 pull his gun out and started shooting at me. I dodged a few but then I got shot in the shoulder and stomach. He charged at me and tried to punched me I blocked it, grabbed his gun and shot him. When I was done there was no sign of Nick but I felt dizzy. Then I heard someone call my name but I just let the darkness consume me.

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