The Cobra Club

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Pic of Daisy

Riley's POV

After 5th of course I had 6th and 7th
period which was such a drag. I couldn't wait to finish my shift at the cafe, go home, finish homework and sleep. When I arrived at the cafe Daisy was there on her phone as usual. You see Daisy is a good person but she slacks off. She is 20 paying off for college and she is a flirt. I wouldn't call her a slut but she surely isn't innocent either. She has dyed red hair, brown eyes, she's short for sure. She's about 5'4, has no tattoos, some piercings such as her belly button and ears but that's pretty much it.
"What's up chicka", she asked in her normal perky tone.
"Nothing but who are you texting", I asked curiously .
"No one",she said blushing.
"OH MY GOD DAISY IS IT A BOY!!", I screamed.
"Shut up woman you want the whole continent of Europe to hear you", she asked covering my mouth.
"Sorry",I said pushing her hand off my mouth, but do you really like him? "Yes I do", she said.
"Alright but if he breaks your heart I'll rip his balls off and shove them down his throat", I stated.
"You know sometimes I worry about you Ri", she said a little scared.
"Sorry but you're my bestie and I don't want to see you hurt", I stated honestly.
"I know Ri but I'll be fine, but anyway do you like any boys", she asked. "Nope", I said.
"Really Ri you're attractive and I see guys practically throwing themselves at you all the time", she said.
"You know I don't care about boys, I just want to graduate and go to college. That's it end of story Daise", I said a little depressed.
  You see it's not like I don't want a boyfriend but most guys are iggnorant, self centered, manwhores who only care about themselves and treat girls like shit. But also another reason is my life style, I wouldn't want my boyfriend to have to deal with my emotinal past shit or being in danger all the time because I'm a street fighter.
"Fine but one of these days you are going to let me set you up on a date", she said with a devilish smirk.
"The day I let you do that is the day I become a unicorn who poops rainbows and brings world peace",I said sarcasticly.
  She just rolled her eyes at that comment. When my shift was over I ran home, changed into some sweats and a black veil brides band-T. But of course as soon as I sat down my flipping phone went off.
"What the fuck do you want", I screamed into the phone.
"Gosh woman I pity the man who gonna marry you", said a voice I haven't heard from in a long time. "Lincoln", I squeeked.
"Miss me Leelee",said Lincoln.
Leelee was my nickname he called me, but he wasn't the only one who called me that so did my family. "Watcha need", Linc I said.
"Well I thought we could catch up", he said with hope.
"Sure where", I asked.
"The Cobra Club", he suggested.
"Sure see you there", I said hanging up.
  I decided to wear a skull crop top with black high waisted shorts, my leather jacket and some ankle boots. For my makeup I'm doing a edgy look so eye liner, red lips and etc. Along with my piercings an painting my nails black. I'm ready I thought so I grab my phone, wallet, fake ID and hid some knives in my bra and boots just incase. The Cobra Club (TCC) didn't take long to get there maybe 10 minutes the most. I saw Lincoln and ran to him.
"I missed you leelee", he whispered in my ear.
"You too Linc you too."
  I havent seen him in about 2 years. He is about 6'4, black hair blue eyes and he is 28 has tatoos, no piercings and is one of the most muscular guys I've seen. You know what now that I think about it he kind of looks like an older verison of Logan.
"Anyway, so what made you come to this town Linc", I asked.
"Oh some family problems", he said hesitantly like he was hiding something from me.
I wasn't going to push it though.
"So why did you"... before I could my damn sentence again someone interupted me.
"Hey man how you been", the guy slurred.
"You know this guy", I asked.
"Unfortunately, Ri meet Shawn, Shawn meet Ri. Shawn is one of the guys I work with", he said.
"I wasn't aware you had a job, what do you do Linc?"
"Umm I kind of a cop", he said as his voice got smaller and smaller. "Congrats you must be doing something right then Linc if you're a cop."
"He is he's the best on the force",said Shawn.
"Well I'm going to go drink you can stand here and do whatever you guys do", I said.
  I can't believe he is a cop. I mean I'm happy for him and all but he doesn't know I'm a street fighter and it would kill him if he found out I lied to him. Whatever I thought, another story for a different time I thought as I walked to the bar.

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