The Little Nerd

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Pic of Logan's house

Logan's POV

 BEEP BEEP BEEP BBBBEEEEPPPP!! I slammed my fist into ny alarm clock      "Great", I said sarcasticly now I have to get another one.
  Sorry forgot to introduce myself my name's Logan Steel I'm 18 have black hair blue eyes, I'm about 6'3, tatoos, piercings. I have a twin sister named Leila an older brother named Lincoln, my mom, dad and my gang. That's right I'm a gang leader, it's a family business before me was my dad and before him was my grandfather and so on. Usually it's the oldest son but my brother decided he wanted to be a cop and start a family so of course my parents supported that and gave me the position. But I dont mind I like the power it brings, but anyways after I got ready for school I went downstairs
"Morning honey", said my mom in her usual happy tone.
  You see my mom's a very kind person but if you mess with her she will kick your ass.
"Morning, where's Leila",I asked. "She's sick so it will be just you and the guys", she replied.
"Cool, well see you later mom love you", I rushed.
"Love you honey", she yelled.
   I got on my bike and met the guys at school. When I got to my locker I saw the guys.
"What's up man!!!" I heard Max scream across the hall.
"Dude do you want China to hear you", I asked holding my ears.
"Sorry man", he said.
"Hey where's Lei", asked Wes.
  You see Wes is one of my best friends but he is dating my sister. So sometimes it gets really annoying when he talks about her.
"She sick", I replied nonchalant. "Ugghh this day is just gonna suck now", he said in a whiny voice.
"Just shut up I'll meet you guys in class", I said.
  After the guys left I started walking to class but someone ran into me. When I turned around to see who ran into me I saw a girl about 5'8 on the ground.
"Watch where you're going", I said.
  She looked up and I how cute she was she had tan skin, black hair, chocolate brown eyes, and perfectly plump pink lips that I wanted to kiss. She just stared at me.
"Aren't you going to say sorry", I asked.
"S-sorry", she said stuttering.
"You know for something with glasses you should be able to see better",I said smirking.
"And for someone who been going to school for 12 years you sure are stupid", she said sassily.
  I looked at her shocked. Did the little nerd just talk back?
She looked at me and asked,"Did I just say that out loud?"
"Yep", I said popping the p.
  Before I could say anything else to her she bolted down the hall. What the hell?! Why did she run? Whatever I thought I walked to 1st period.
"Why are you late Mr.Steel ", Mrs. Samsan my english teacher asked.
"Got a little caught up in the hallway miss", I answered.
"Detention afterschool" , she said. "Whatever."
"Dude why were you late", asked Ash. "Is there something you would like to add to my lesson Mr. Stevens ", asked Mrs. Samsan annoyed.
"Yes just that this lesson is boring", added Ash.
"Well I'm sorry I don't teach just to entertain you Mr.Stevens", she said clearly going to loose her temper. "Well you should", Ash said calmly. "Get out of my classroom and you will join Mr. Steel in detention", said Mrs. Samsan.
"Whatever", said Ash.
"Anyone else going to disrupt may leave and get detention with Mr. Steel and Stevens", said Mrs. Samsan.
  With that me and my gang left class. Lets skip to detention shall we.
Well after me and the guys sat down Ash asked,"so why were you late to class."
  With that the door opened and the same girl that I ran into walked through the door. I pointed to her and told Ash that's the reason. All the guys looked at me confused.
"She ran into me as I was walking to class", I clarified.
"Glad you could make it Mrs. Stone", said Mr. Henry.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world", she replied sarcasticly.
"Just take a seat", he said in a bored tone. After about 45 minutes Mr. Henry crashed.
"So what is the little nerd doing here in detention", I asked.

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