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Logan's POV
After I left Riley's I drove to the spot where we had our first date and broke down crying. I've never cried for a girl but Ri is different she sees I side of me no one else does. I bet your wondering you I broke up with Riley well let me explain.....
A few hours ago
When I got home I noticed a bruised Lincoln around him was my mom, dad and Shawn. What the hell happened to you I asked. "Nick and his gang broke into the police station and beat the crap out of Lincoln",said Shawn. I looked over at my brother who was mumbling to himself. Linc you ok I asked concerned. "No I'm fucking not I want to kill him for my sake and Ri's", he said but then stopped. What about Riley I asked getting angry. " Lincoln tell him", said my dad putting his hand on Lincoln's shoulder. Tell me what exactly I said "The reason it broke into the police station is because he wants to talk to you", said Linc said angrily. Why me I asked cautiously. " Because he wants you to break up with Riley", he said clenching his fist. Well I'm not breaking up with her I said. "It's not that simple", said Sean sadly. What do you mean I said. "If you don't break up with Riley he'll kill her", said Lincoln as his voice cracked. I was shocked. Where is he I asked pissed. "Logan talking to him want help", said Lincoln. I ran outside my house, got onto my bike and rode to an alleyway to meet up with Nick. " Well, well what do we have here", said Nick. Why do you want me to break up with Riley I said trying to hold my anger. "Because with her broken hearted she's an easier target plus someone paid me.So she gets you and I get Riley ", he said smirking. Who is she I asked. "Me", said Britney coming in from the shadows. Why I asked "Because you were supposed to be mine but she took you away", she said creepily. I love Riley not you Britt and I never will I said with disgust. "That's a shame but I will make you love me", she said. And if I don't agree to breaking up with Ri I said. " I will kill her slowly and painfully right in front of you", Nick said holding up a dagger. Fine but if I do he won't kill her I said I can't believe I'm agreeing to this. "Deal", he said. So now you know what happened. I dried my tears got on to my bike and rode home. I walk through the door and saw the gang and my family with painful eyes. I did it I said in a strange voice. "Oh honey I'm so so sorry this happened to you", my mom said on the verge of tears. I'm going to bed I said walking up the stairs, into my room and locking the door. I flopped into my bed flashing back to what I just did the tears won't stop they just came out. I heard a knock at my door I wiped my tears and open the door.I saw Lincoln he looked probably as shitty as I did. "Hey", he said his voice cracking. Hey I replied. "I'm sorry about Riley", he said. I didn't know what to say it hurt talking about what had happened. The only thing I could do was cry. Lincoln came to my side and hugged me.I think this is the most emotional time we had together in a long time.

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