Will you be my girlfriend

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It was amazing lights were hung from the trees, the lake looked beautiful with the sun setting. "Do you like it", asked Logan putting his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Like it you've got to be kidding me I love it. It's beautiful. I managed to speak out. "Not as beautiful as you", said Logan. Wow you know for someone who is a badass gang leader you sure are cheesy I pointed out. "Only for you Ri, only for you", he said mumbling into my neck. Why don't we eat I'm starving I said. When I sat at the table I noticed there was no food. Logan if you want to get to know me you should know I'm not very pleasant when I'm hungry I said. "Don't worry I have food", he said while pulling out a picnic basket full of food. So what will we be eating tonight I said in a horrrible accent of a english person. "Well we will be having spaghetti", said Logan in his very good english accent. We dug into our food. "So how about we play 20 questions", asked Logan. Alright you go first I suggested. "Alright favorite color", he asked. Really what are you 2 I asked laughing. "Whatever just answer", he blushed which I thought was adorable. Fine either black or red. What about you, I suggested. "Ummm either dark blue or black", he said,"now you ask me a question." Alright favorite food I said. "Who's the kid now", he teased, "but I'd have to say pizza. What about you?" Hmm I think pasta I said pointing to the food. After about a couple more questions we started getting a little more personal. "Why did you pick the name Rebel", he asked. Well I guess I wanted my street fighting name to have the same first letter of my name and growing up I never really followed the rules and everybody called me a rebel, so the name stuck. What about you why The Rippers as your gang name I asked. "Well my great grandfather pick the name, we don't know why, but it kind if stuck and sounds intimidating", he shrugged. "So where are your parents I haven't seen them", asked Logan curiously. Umm ,think of a good lie, think of a good lie I thought to myself. They're on a business trip. They went to London for a year. "So your home alone for a year", he asked suspiciously. Yep, well not exactly you see Lincoln is actually a good friend of my parents. It's not like I like lying to him but I'm not ready to tell him my past just yet. "Oh well that's cool I guess", he said. So what about your parents what do they do I asked curiously. "Well my mom is a stay at home mom but she has a degree in medical care so she's like our personal doctor for if one of the gang members get hurt", he continued. Wait so there are more people in your gang I questioned. "Yes and then we have alliances with other gangs", he went on, "my dad is like a retired gang leader, he helps me get connections from some dangerous guys he knew." Oh that seems cool I said. "Ya sometimes but then again they are dangerous killers", he said. We sat in a moment of akward sinlence. Then Logan spoke,"Ri can I ask you something." You just did I smirk. "I'm serious", he smiled. Sure I said. "Will you be my girlfriend", he asked proudly. I spit out my water, choking trying to breath and comprehend what he just said. Did he just ask me to be his girlfriend? The Logan Steele wanting me to be his girlfriend. God I sound like a total girl right now. "Ri you ok", he asked concern and pain filled his eyes. Ya and yes Logan I would love to be your girlfriend I giggled. I looked over and he looked shocked, happy but what I also say confused me I saw..... lust. He kissed me cupping my face with his warm hands. As he deepened the kiss I put my hands through his shaggy black hair making him moan. "Riley", he managed to breath out. Ya I said trying to catch my breath. "Do you know how happy I am, knowing I could call you mine now", he said looking into my eyes making me melt. Really I asked with disbelief. "Really", he clarified before pecking my lips. "I should get you home", he said standing up and pulling me up into his warm embrace. As we got to his bike a cold breeze made me shiver. "You cold", he asked. A little I said. He pulled off his jacket showing his tattooed, ripped, toned arms. His jacket was so big on me but I didn't care I was warm. He started his bike and dropped me off at my doorstep. "I had fun Ri. More fun than I've had in a long time", he said smiling. Me too I replied trying to hold my blush. God what is he doing to me. "I'll see you tomorrow girlfriend", he said emphasizing on the word girlfriend which I didn't mind. Ya I guess I will I smiled. "Bye Ri", he said kissing my forehead. Wait here's your jacket I said. "Where it tomorrow when you walk into school I want people to know your mine", he suggested getting into his bike. I closed the door hiding my blush thinking about him calling me his at school in front of everyone. I ran into my room, took off my makeup and changed into some nike shorts and a tank top. Letting my sleepy eyes fall and my wondering mind think about Logan at school tomorrow.

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