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Pic of Logan's date outfit
Logan's POV
"Why are you blushing", asked Wes. I'm not blushing I said. "Then why is your face red", he said trying to get an answer. No reason I said finally. "Whatever ,but let's get home", he said. "Why are you so eager to get home baby ", asked Leila. "My brother is in town and it's been awhile since I've seen him", said Wes. Parker I clarified."Yep now let's get home", he said excitedly. When we arrived at home we noticed a car in the driveway. Wes bolted out of the car and into the house. "Well he's happy", said Pierce. When we walked in we saw Wes holding onto his brother like his life depended on it. "Wesley get off your brother before he looses oxygen", yelled Leila. "She sounds like mom", said Parker. "Sometimes", said Wes. How are you Park I said. "Good how bout you? I also heard you have a girlfriend.", he said with a smirk. How do you know I asked suspiciously. "Because my bestfriend said so and I assume your Logan", said the little red head. Yes and who are you I asked. "Parker's girlfriend Daisy,I also work with Riley", she said. Where do you work with Riley I asked. "Bob's cafe", she said. Oh I responded. "Here's the deal don't break my friend's heart and I will hurt you", she said seriously. Do you know who I am I asked with a smirk. "Yes but your lucky Riley even gave you a chance she doesn't open easily", she stated. "We're aware", said Ash. "She may seem tough but she's been through a lot",said Daisy. "Anyway I'm Wes Parker's brother", said Wes. "Nice to meet you both Parker and Riley have talked about you", stated Daisy. Wait why was Ri talking about Wes? "Riley talked about me", asked Wes. "Yep but not much", clarified Daisy. "Well it was nice seeing you guys", said Parker. "Bye Parker", said Wes. "Bye little bro", said Parker. "Well now we know,where Riley works",said Connor. "What do you think she meant when she said Riley has been through alot",asked Kim. I don't know I said.
The next day
The gang and I are at school we haven't seen Riley yet. "Dude where's Ri", asked Oliver. Don't know maybe she's just late I said. As soon as I said that a tired looking Riley walked through the gate. "RILEY", yelled Leila. She walked over to us looking like shit. No offense. "Hey guys", said Riley quietly. What happened to you babe I asked. "Nothing just couldn't sleep", she said. I knew she was lying. That's when the bell rang. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the janitors closet. What really happened I asked impatiently. "Nothing really I promise", she pleaded. Alright, but can I ask you something. "Sure", she said. Will you go on a date with me I asked shyly. Before I heard a response I felt her lips on mine. I kissed along her neck making her moan. She kissed me back before breaking away. "Yes", she replied. Yes what I asked confused. "I'll go on a date with you, you idiot", she laughed. Really I asked with disbelief. "No I'm just teasing you", she said sacrasticly with a smirk. Alright I walked into that one. "I should get to class but text me when you have the details", she said smiling. Alright I said. Skip to lunch. "Have you guys seen Ri", asked Kim. "Nope", replied Natalie. "Logan", asked Leila suspiciously. Um maybe I said hesitantly. "Where is she", asked Connor. Well I don't know exactly but I did ask her out on a date I said. "WHAT", screamed everyone. Now the whole cafeteria was looking at us. "Mind your own damn business", yelled Max. "You asked her on a date", asked Ash. Ya what was I supposed to do I like her I replied realizing the last part I said aloud. "You like Riley, you like Riley", teased Leila. Shut up Lei I said." So where are you taking her", asked Wes. Actually I was thinking about a picinic but I need your help setting it up I said. "Sure man", said Oliver. I texted Riley the plans.
L: Be ready by 5:30 and be you
R: What is that supposed to mean?
L: Wear casual clothes but not your nerd clothes
R: Alright see you then
L: Sorry I kind if need your address
R: Why so you can stalk me ;)
L: No (smirky face)
R: LOL you perv alright here
L: You know you luv it and thanks babe
She texted me her address after our little conversation.
Getting ready for the date.
I decided to wear some jeans, a button up shirt and a leather jacket. Bye guys I yelled. "Good luck little bro", yelled Lincoln. I hopped on my bike and ride to Riley's address. I turned off my bike and knocked on her door and came face to face with a part of Riley I've never seen.

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