People like me don't get happiness

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Pic of Riley's comfy clothes

After I came home from th TDC I took another shower and iced my cuts and bruises. Right now I was laying on my couch watching reruns of The Big Bang Theory, then I heard a knock at the door. I'm coming I yelled at the door. I opened it to see Logan. "You have some explaining to do", he said walking through my door. I know I said following him to my worn out grey couch. "First what happened with Brittney", he asked. She was bothering me I said trying not to look into his blue eyes. "Ri", he said lifting my head forcing me to look at him. Fine she told me to enjoy my time with you because soon you'd be with her, I said in one breath. Before he said anything he kissed me. He pulled me close to him, his hand going up my shirt. I moaned his name making him kiss down my neck. He pulled me into his lap and put his arms around my waist. "How did you get those bruises", he asked his eyes showing sadness. I had a brutal streetfight I clarified. "Why don't you stop", he said kissing my collarbone. I can't just stop it's like telling you to stop being a gangleader I said. "No it isn't", he argued. Yes it is street fighting is my job and a way to let out my anger Logan I tried to convince him. "Being a gangleader is part of a family business, but streetfighting is a life style", he said. To you maybe I said pissed. "Ri when you fight all you get is cuts and bruises and it hurts me to see you like this", he cracked. Logan when you and the guys have deals and you come home hurt you think I like seeing you like that I asked. "No but you chose to do this to yourself", he said. Logan I'm not gonna stop if that's what your asking I said shocked. "Why not", he said getting angrier. Because it's my damn life I said starting to get angry. "It is but don't you see people who care about you are tired of seeing you like this", he shouted. Who Logan I asked pissed. "Me, Lincoln, the gang, Ted, your family....",he said. Wait did you just say my family I asked scared. "Yes Ri I know you lied about your parents. Lincoln told me",he said. "The question is why Ri why lie to me. Why can't you just open up I've been patient with you and I try to give you time, but you block me out", he yelled. Logan I'll be completely honest with you I'm fucked up, I'm not perfect. I hide my scars, my pain so people don't treat me differently or pity me ,I started crying. When I met you I thought that I was lucky because someone finally wanted me for me and didn't date me because they pitied me. "Ri, I just don't think I can do this anymore", he finally said. What do you mean I asked my voice getting shakey. "I think we should break up", he said avoiding eye contact. My heart broke. Alright I managed to say. "I'm sorry", he said kissing me forehead. When he left and I broke down crying I couldn't hold it in any longer. But I guess I should have seen it coming people like me don't get a happiness I thought before I grabbed my bottle of whiskey and downed it like no tomorow.

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