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Pic of Riley's workout clothes

Riley's POV
After my encounter with Brittney I went to my other periods. Right know it's lunch thank god I'm starving, but then again I'm always hungry. "Hey bae over here", yelled Leila across the cafeteria waving her hand. I'm coming you slut you dont need to yell I replied. "I'm surprised I thought Riley was the slut of the group", sneered Brittney. Did you not learn your lesson earlier I said clenching my fists getting ready to punch her. "What are you talking about", asked Logan consurned. "Oh you didn't tell them about what happened in the hall way. Well Logan it looks like your girlfriend is keeping secrets", said Brittney trying to sound innocent. Leave before I break your fugly face Britt I said clenching my teeth. "Ri what is she talking about", asked Logan seriously. Nothing I said. Just a little incident but its handled I said standing up walking away. Then Logan grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. "I know you're lying babe. So tell me", he whispered into my ear making me shiver. I'll tell you later I said pecking his lips. The bell rang and I went to 5th period.
After school
I quit my job at the cafe so I went straight home. When I got home Ted texted me.
T: You have fight in an hour
R: Why so early
T: This guy is paying big money and requested fighting you
R: How much we talking?
T: $1,000
Is he fucking kidding me 1 grand!
R: Umm Ted if your fucking with me
it's not funny.
T: I'm not so I guess your in
R: You bet
T: Alright see you in and hour
After he finished texting me the details. I decided to work out in my home gym for about 20 minutes. After that I took a shower and change into my Rebel outfit. I left the house with 5 minutes to spare. I sprinted to TDC and made just in time. "Rebel your late", said Ted. I know so who am I fighting I said straight to the point. Ted doesn't like excuses and wouldn't care so no point in trying. "That guy over there", he said pointing to a guy qith huge muscles and scars covering his body. I bet his hand was the size of my head. "You ok Rebel", asked Ted. Fine I stated trying to keep my cool. The announcer called our names into the ring, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TONIGHT WE HAVE OUR UNDEGEATED CHAMP REBEL VS BONE CRUSHER!!" So that's his name just great note the sarcasm. "READY AND FIGHT", yelled the announcer. Wait he didn't say the rules. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bonecrusher charge, but it was to late he threw me against the cage, hitting my head. Damn that hurt I touched my head and saw red. Shit I'm bleeding already. I saw Bonecrusher attempt to punch me, I ducked just in time. I took my chance and punched him in the ribs and jabbed his jaw. I heard the satisfying crack of both his ribs and jaw. "Nick was right I shouldn't underestimate you Rebel", he said smirking. So you work for Nick is that why you payed so much to fight me I asked circling around him. "Yes and because I wanted to see what you were make of so far not much", he said teasing me as he circled too. "WHAT ARE TOU DOING REBEL FINISH HIM", yelled Ted outside the ring. "Well someone's eager", said bonecrusher. He's right let's finish this I said. "Alright but don't go crying to your mom.... Oh wait Nick killed your mom", he laughed. Thar made me crack. I charged at Bonecrusher full speed knocking him to the ground. I then grabbed his throat and punched him repeatedly. But what he did next didn't surprise me. He grabbed a knife from his shorts and scratched me. "DISQUALIFY HIM HE CHEATED", yelled Ted. I didn't care I wanted to win not just for the money but for my mom. I then kneed him in the balls, which wasn't aloud in the ring but neither was weapons so whatever. I punched him in the face, grabbed the knife out of his grasp and stabbed him. Looks like the cheater lost I taunted leaving him to bleed out. The annoucer said, "AND REBEL IS STILL OUR UNDEFEATED CHAMP!" "What the hell happened out there", said Ted worried. Nothing I said monotoned. "Nothing why did it take so long to kick his ass Ri", he asked conserned. The oppenets are getting better I stated simply. "You and I both know that's a lie so tell me the truth", he said. I did tell you the truth I said leaving TDC.

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