"Hangovers and school don't mix"

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Pic of Riley's outfit

It's been awhile since I gone out and gotten drunk, now I know the consequences. One word ...... Hangovers. They SUCK especially when you have school. Where am I?   "Your in your room Lee", said a very tired Lincoln.
"What are you doing here", I asked.
"Do you remember anything that happened last night", he asked suspiciously.
"The only things I remember are meeting Shawn, getting drunk, going to the DJ and dancing", I said honestly. "Well after that you tried to make you leave the club but you were being an asshole. Then, when I finally got you home you started mumbling random shit", he said.
"What did I say exactly", I asked getting scared. What if I told him I was a street fighter or maybe other illegal stuff I've done? You see I've gone street racing, some drugs,vandaled buildings... etc, without getting caught and I don't plan on getting caught now.
"All you really said was why did you have to be a cop. Then I asked you what was wrong with being a cop and you said you couldn't tell me", he said with that look that says TELL ME. "Ooohhh", I said.
"Oh that's all you have to say is oh. Riley Stone what aren't you telling me", he said starting to get angry. "Lincoln I can't tell you I'm sorry", I said sadly.
"Fine come find me when you're reading to talk", he said walking out my door slamming it shut.
WHY DOES LIFE HAVE TO BE SO DAMN HARD?!?! But anyway it's about 7:50. I guess I should get ready so I decided to take a shower. After my shower I took some advil, put some foundation on my tattoos, some of my bruises that haven't faded, took out my piercings. I got dressed in some black leggings, a gray short sleeve, a flannel ,white converse and my black glasses. I checked the clock it said 8:05, so I grab my bag and ..... Oh Shit I forgot to do my damn homework. I better get going then so I could finish it. I ran to school when I got there I was panting like a mad man, I guess I need to work on my training. But my phone said 8:10 so I had time to do my homework. As I got my homework out I felt someone standing over me. What do you want I asked annoyed. Geez do these people not know how to take a hint.
"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed", said Logan. "
Go away Logan", I said desperately. "Ooo now the nerds deperate", said Max. Then I saw a pretty mexican girl punch him. She must be his girlfriend. "Why are you doing your homework", asked Oliver.
"Because I care about my education unlike you guys", I said in a matter of fact tone.
"I mean why are you doing it right now", he added one.
"That's none of your business Oliver." "You know our names so why don't you tell us yours princess", said Logan.
"Fine my name is Riley now do you mind leaving me alone now", I said in defeat. That's when the bell rang. "What's your next class ",asked a blonde girl with blue eyes.
"History", I stated simply.
"What do you have for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7th period", asked the little mexican girl.
"Umm 2nd I have math, then english, P.E, science, art then free period", I said.
"Cool we all have P.E and free period  together", said Leila.
"Well I have to go bye", I said walking to class. Well things are going to be interesting if they keep talking to me I thought.

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