Did Lil ol Me Hurt You?

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"Shut the fuck up would you!!!", I screamed as I threw my alarm clock across the room shattering it into pieces. Damn it now I have to get a new one I thought. Trust me this is a regular thing, breaking alarm clocks and cussing at them. So don't go thinking I'm mental. Anyway I get dressed in my usual "nerd" outfit. You see I wear nerd clothes because I don't want people finding out my secret. First I decided I'm wearing a striped long sleeved shirt with some blue skinny jeans and white converse, with my signature black nerd classes. I really don't need glasses so there fake to help me play the part. So after I pick my outfit I put makeup over my tattoos and take out my piercings. After I get ready I run out the door because school is about 10 minutes away for my house walking distance , but if I had a car it would probably only take 5. When I arrived at the gates of hell jk no but when I arrived at school I did the usual walked to my locker put in my combo and waited for the bell to ring. But of course god hates me so something has to go wrong. So as I'm at my locker , I grab my books for 1st period and start walking so I wasn't late. The bell rang of course so I bolted for my classroom but on the way I run into a wall. But the thing is there are no walls in the middle of the hallway...right?
"Watch where you're going four eyes!", said a deep voice.
When I looked up I saw a pair of blue eyes. The only thing I thought at that point was that I was screwed. It was Logan Steel! THE bad boy at my school. He was about the typical cliche bad boy all the girls dropping to their feet to get noticed by him, boys envying him, tattoos, piercing, leather jackets, motorcycles and of course his gang of idiots aka his friends.
"Aren't you going to say sorry?", he said a little aggravated.
I would but I didn't think lil ol me would hurt you, I said to myself.
"S-sorry", I said stuttering. Nailed it!
You see, these people at school think they can pick on me but really I could put them in a coma if I wanted to, but that would defeat the purpose of my disguise as a nerd.
"You know for someone who has glasses you should be able to see better", he said smirking.
"And for someone who has been going to school for 13 years you sure are stupid."
He stared at me in shock.
"Shit I said that out loud didn't I", I asked questionly.
"Yep", he said popping the p.
Before he could say anything else I ran to class. When I opened the door I felt everyone's eyes on me.
"Why are you late Mrs. Stone?", said my grumpy ass history teacher, Mr. Henry.
Well, before I could finish my damn sentence he had to interrupt me.
"You have detention afterschool", he said.
"WHAT", I practically screamed.
"No exceptions", he said gruffly before returning to the board. Well this day keeps on getting better and better note the sarcasm.

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