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Pic of Riley's tattoo on her shoulder

It's been a couple of months since I've been dating Logan. I decided to stop dressing like a nerd a be myself now I'm part of the gang. We're all close, joke around and got each other's backs. "Hey Ri what are you doing", asked Oliver. Nothing Ollie I said that's my nickname for him. "Hey bae", said Pierce. Hey bae I yelled. "I thought I was your bae", cried Kelly. "Bitch hell na she's my bae", screamed Leila running ro me. "Back off she's mine", said a deep sexy voice which belongs to my boyfriend Logan. "Can't keep them off you", he said kissing down my neck. "Maybe I'll have to show them", he smirked putting his hands up my thigh. "Heyy no sex at school people", screamed Leila. Well that doesn't stop you and Wes from doing it in the janitors closet I smirked. Which made both Wes and Lei blush. That's when the bell rang. "Uggh why don't we just ditch", said Logan hugging me from behind. We already skipped like 8 times this month. Please can we just stay I said kissed his jawline. "Fine", he breathed out. "Cough, cough whipped, cough", said Max laughing along with the rest of the gang. Unless you want a broken nose I would walk away I warned. "You wouldn't dare, Kim wouldn't let you", he smirked thinking he won oh but how wrong he was. But remember Kim is with her Mom visiting relatives a smirked evilly. He gulped and suggested, "why don't we head to class." "That was hot baby girl", he murmured into my head. Whatever I just saved your ass I should get some credit for that I laughed. "Oh you will", he smiled mischievously pulling me into the janitors closet. He kissed me, then trailed kisses down my jawline and neck. He sucked on my sweet spot making ne moan. I put my left hand in his hand and my right trailing his abs, making him groan. "God your killing me Ri", he said trailing his hands around my ass. I kissed his neck and jawline going to his ear and said I know. With that I left the closet and heard him yell, "tease" as he left too. I walked to class when someone grabbed my arm and pushed me into the lockers. What the hell I said holding my now throbbing head. "You better enjoy the time you have left with Logan because soon he will be mine", Brittany sneered. God your still fantasizing about him, you must be desperate I laughed. "Shut up you slut he is mine, he was never ment to be yours", she screetched. Man she sounds like a dying cat. So your admitting he's mine I smirked. "Ugghh you're impossible Riley Stone you will regret messing with me", she cried. I grabbed her and threw her into the lockers hearing a thud. You listen and you listen good you don't want to mess with me or I will hurt you Britt and it won't be pleasant I said clenching my fist holding back my anger. And one more thing Logan likes me not you I said walking away hearing her scream in frustration.

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