"What's she hiding"

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Pic of Riley's outfit

Lincoln POV
"Dude how do you know her", asked Shawn.
She's an old friend. I met Ri when I first met her boys, yes that's right I knew Ri before she left her family. I still keep in touch with them actually, but I promised Ri I wouldn't tell them I knew where she was.
"Hey Lincoln how are you man", asked one of my friends Mac. "Nothing what's up with you",I asked. "You know same old same old", he stated.
After that I heard the music started blasting out and of course the person I didn't want to see doing that was Riley. She was already drunk and we just got here, but that's Ri for ya. "Excuse me guys", I said heading towards Ri. "What the hell are you doing Riley", I screamed over the music.
"Just having some fun, gosh Lincoln lighten up", she slurred.
"Come on we are leaving", I said as I grabbed her arm.
"Umm excuse me you aren't my father so you want order me around",she said getting pissed.
"Riley you aren't even supposed to be here I could arrest you,you know that right", I said because I thought that would I get some reaction out of her. "Fine then do it",she said with a straight voice. Is she for real? This isn't the Riley I know. The question is what's she hiding from me.

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