She's Rebel

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Pic of Leila Logan's twin sister

Logan's POV
After I cleared everything up with the gang. My parents came rushing the door. "Get your weapons now",yelled my dad. What's going on I asked. "Slayers gang", he said. With that we loaded our cars and ended up in an alley. "Get away from me you bastard", said a voice that kinda sounded like Riley. Then I looked around the corner and of course it was her. "Get her boys", said Nick. Then 4 guys came out. 1 guy charge at her and she blocked and punched him in the face, then kneed him in the balls. Then she through his head against the alley wall. The 2nd and 3rd guy ran at her. The 2nd guy punched her in the ribs. I heard her wince, then she kicked him in the shin and kneed his gut. But out of no where the 3rd guy stabbed her in the back. I wanted to hurt them so bad but the gang was holding me back. My dad was trying to hold Lincoln back. She pulled out the blade and stabbed the 2nd guy in the head. She stared at the 3rd guy I could tell he was scared. Hell I was just watching. She punched him in the face multiple times and kicked him in the face. I could tell she kicked him hard because I heard a crack. Then the last guy got his gun out and shot at her. Thankfully she dodged a few,but then he shot her in the shoulder and stomach. He took his chance and tired punching her she blocked him,grabbed his gun and shot him. I noticed her looking around. Who was she looking for? I called her name but her body gave out and she fainted. "Come on Lee, wake up", said Lincoln. "Get her to the car",said my dad. We arived and I literally kicked the door opened. "What is going on",my mom said,but then she noticed Ri. "Girls get the first aid kit now",she screamed. The girls noticed Ri and started crying. It has been at least 2 hours my mom has been working on Ri. "Why was she even in the alley", Lincoln said. I don't know I said. That's when my mom came out. How is she I asked. "She's ok and awake,but she's very weak",said my mom. Lincoln went first,we all were eavesdropping in their conversation. "Why were you in the alley Lee",asked Lincoln. "I can't tell you Linc", she said quietly. "Seems like you can't tell me anything anymore", he said sadly. "Linc you don't have to worry about me I'm alive that's what matters",she said. "Worry about you you almost died. Why are you shutting me out Lee? What's going on?", he asked pleadingly. "I don't think I've ever seen him so emotional", said Hailey. "Go get some rest Linc you have work",she said. Then all of a sudden she tried to get up. "What the hell are up doing Lee", asked Lincoln. "I have work and Ted. Oh shit Ted",she said. How does she know Ted? "Lee how do you know Ted",asked Lincoln getting angry. "It doesn't matter I just need a phone",she said desperately. "Tell me Riley",he said pissed. "You don't control me Lincoln Steel and you never will",she said getting out of bed. She walked past us and asked,"what are you guys doing here?" We live here I said. "No",was all she said. "Fuck my life", she screamed. "Excuse me",said Leila kind of offended. "I got to go",she said before bolting out the door. Mom you said she was weak I said to her. " She is she's just pushing her body",said my mom. "Let's go people we have an injured woman on the loose",yelled Kim. We walked a few blocks and saw Riley talking to a guy. Found her I yelled. That's when I saw Ri lift the guy up. "What the hell is her problem",asked Wes. "I'm not in the mood for your shit so tell me where he is", she said. That's when I saw Ted rush to Riley's side." Rebel you need to calm down",he said. Wait did he just say Rebel. No I said a loud. "What", asked Oliver. You know when I was pissed with Lincoln and I had a streetfight and I lost? I asked." Yay", he said. Well I fought a girl named Rebel and Ted just called Riley that I said. "So that means...",Lincoln said. She's Rebel I said.

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