Logan vs Rebel

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Pic of The Dark Circle

After I left the lunchroom. I decide to call Lincoln."Hello", he said. Umm hey Linc."Don't hey Linc me Riley", he said starting to get pissed. Lincoln come on I said pleading." Don't come on me you're the one acting like a 2 year old keeping secrets from me", he said. You're the one acting 2 you can't respect that I'm not telling you for a reason. That possibly doing it ro protect you I said. "Enough with the bull shit Riley", he said pissed. Dammit Lincoln why are you so stubborn. That's when the phone line went dead. Did he just fucking hang up on me?!?! I screamed at my phone. Well just great. After school I went to Bob's cafe Daisy was sick so I was by myself. My shift was a drag without Daisy, she may annoy me sometimes but she entertains me. My shift finally ended and I got a text from Ted saying I had a fight at 7:30 again. So when I got home I did so training for an hour and took a shower. I got dressed in my usual black sports bra, black skinny jeans, black combat boots and black mask. Put a hoodie on and run to The Dark Circle (TDC). As I walked in I could see Ted by the bar so I went up to him. "Hey Reb you ready", he asked. Born ready I replied. "Go get em show em who's boss around here", he yelled. "In the ring we have our undefeated champ Rebel vs Machine Mike", said the announcer. Machine Mike looked like a gorilla on steriods he was big, buff and he looked like he wanted to eat me. But I kept my cool and just showed a blank stare. "No weapons fighters",said the announcer,"and FIGHT." Gorilla Mike through a punch at my jaw but I blocked it. Then I took my chance and jabbed him in the stomach. As he held his stomach I kneed him in the face and punched him in the nose, blood spewing everywhere. I could tell he was mad but as he charged at me I blocked him and tripped him making him fall. I decided to straddle him and punch him in the face knocking him out instantly. "Our winner is Rebel", yelled the announcer. I hopped out the ring and went to Ted. "You were amazing Rebel", he said. Thanks, I'm going to go get my money I said walking away. After I got my money I noticed Ted was talking to.... LOGAN!!! What was he doing here?!?! I noticed Ted was walking towards me." Hey Rebel do you mind doing one more fight", he asked hesitantly. Who will I be fighting I asked suspiciously." Logan Steel", he said. Ted, I go to school with him I can't risk it what if he finds out I'm Rebel I said." He won't plus people will be paying bigger bucks because both of you are undefeated champs", he said hopefully. Fine I said. "Cool I'll go set it up",said Ted. In about 2 minutes I was called up the ring. "Ladies and gentleman we have 2 undefeated champs into the ring Logan and Rebel", said the announcer. Here goes nothing I said to myself. I stepped into the ring I felt Logan's stare on me. "Alright I expect a clean fight no weapons",said the announcer,"and FIGHT!!" This is going to be interesting. After about 5 minutes the crowd was relentless and me and Logan were exhausted. I didn't expect him to be so good. Ya sure he's been in many fights at school but those people aren't skilled in fighting. I went to puch him but he blocked it and punched me in the ribs. Damn it that going to leave a bruise. I winced he could throw a good punch. I was now beyond pissed I just wanted this fight to end. He looked like he was deep in thought so I kicked him off me which was harder than I thought because he was across the ring. I pinned him down and straddled him. For some reason I like the position I was in but I shook that thought away and just kept punching him in the face. He passed out after the 4th blow. "We have our undefeated champion REBEL", he yelled. Everyone screamed and cheered. For some reason I felt bad for doing that to Logan but I didn't know why. Do I like him? No I couldn't we were 2 different people it wouldn't work out. I left the TDC and went home with my winnings from both my fights. Ted was right I won $150 fighting Machine Mike and $700 for fighting Logan. When I got home I took a hot shower and put some ice on my bruises. Thank god tommrow was Friday.

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