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~Your POV~

You sat on a grassy hill in the middle of the forest, listening to the creatures surrounding you while the wind blows calmly in your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

You casually watched a couple of deers encourage their young child to walk for the first time. This got you thinking.

About how lonely you get. Being the only Titan that doesn't kill people or doesn't have anyone to care for you.

You looked down at your large skin covered hands seeing large puddles of water dropping onto them.
Am I crying? You thought.
Bringing your hands up to your face, you wiped under your large round eyes but didn't feel any wetness.

More and more droplets came down, bigger and heavier by the second it was then you realised that it was raining. Great.

You slowly got up, careful not to squish any wild life. All the animals below looked fearful of you. I mean. Who wouldn't? A 20 metre class Titan towering over you would scare the shit out of me too.

Shaking my head and sighing (which echoed through the forest since I'm very large) I ventured further into the forest to look for shelter. My hair is already soaked.
Half an hour of walking and I finally found a cosy looking space to rest my eyes. Yes I do sleep.

/next morning/

I woke with a start hearing a group of teenagers screaming out for one another. Being the curious Titan I am.. I decided to take a look.

When I reached to where they were, what I saw horrified me. There was people killed and blood splatters everywhere. The ground. The trees. The corpses. Everything painted with the Crimson colour.

All except one boy. He had short shaggy brown hair with wide green eyes. His expression even scared me.

He was yelling at another female Titan.
"I WILL KILL YOU!!" He screamed. Launching at her.

She swung her large hand backwards ripping the grappling thingie out of the tree shaft sending him flying through the air.

I ran forward and caught him cocooning him in my palm, with me slamming onto the hard forest ground.
I unwrapped my hand and saw him looking at me with a confused, fearful look.

Doing my friendliest Titan smile I could do (probably looked like a insane person. Sorry dude) I stood up and wrapped my hand around him again. So he won't get hurt during my battle with this 15m Titan.

Luckily I have the upper hand on being taller.

I turned to her slowly and gave her my deadliest glare. Roaring loudly the birds flew out of the trees startled.
She did the same.

I was the one to make the first move and go full speed ahead connecting my fist to her skinless face, sending her flying into a tree.
I walked over and saw her cover the nape of the neck with her hand. So.. She's intelligent.

Without my full concentration she kicked my legs out from under me sending me falling. Lucky for me I have good reflexes. Quickly regaining my balance I kicked her in the throat, the impact knocking her out cold.

Now I know this won't kill her but as I said. I don't like to kill.

So I ran away with the boy as quick as possible.

I sat back down at my cave, gently placing the scared boy next to me and inspecting him closely. Him doing the same for me.

"Well?! Aren't you going to eat me like all the other disgusting Titans!?" He yelled angrily.

I looked at him with soft eyes "n....nn "

He looked at me with wide eyes.

"N..nn..oo... No" I said slowly shaking my head from side to side.

"Y-you can talk!" He yelled moving backwards.

I nodded and sadly looked away. Wishing that I could tell him not to be afraid of me. You see, I can only usually give one word answers.

Ignoring the looks he was giving me, I stood up and grabbed the small boy placing him on my shoulder.
"W-what are you doing?!?" He stuttered

"F...ooo...d" I nodded and came to a stop at the forest edge.
I used one hand to block his ears while I did my Titan roar scaring the birds once again.
Swinging around I caught a couple of birds instantly breaking their neck and walked back to the cave like nothing happened.

The boy got back on the ground safely and I handed him one of the animals while I swallowed mine whole ( c; )

He got the idea and slowly started to eat it. Not caring that it was raw.

What is it ?
When's it going to save enough of me and kill me???

As I was eating the bird I studied the big Titan. (H/l) (h/c) that shines...

(E/c) eyes that hold many emotions unlike any other Titan

A feminine corpse like mouth with pointy canines. It also had elf like ears.

"Are you a girl?" I suddenly asked.
It nodded and looked at me. Attempting to smile.

"Uhm okay. I'm Eren! What's your name?" I asked again. Relaxing a little. But still keeping my guard up.

"(Ff..fff.../nnn.nn)" she said and later down beside me.

"Sleep" I heard a murmur

I looked at (f/n) and gave her a confused look

She picked me up by the back of my collar and repeated "sleep"
And placed me in the crook of her neck, some of her hair covering me. Enveloping me in her warmth. With me soon falling asleep.

first Chapter... DONE.
I know this kinda sucks.
But Levi will come in the next chapter I promise.


Please please please give me feedback.
And support
No hate m8

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