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(Y/n) POV

Once again, waking up from a loud noise, I groaned and was about to sit up when I heard light snoring on my neck.

Oh that's right


"E..eeree..n?" I said a bit louder to wake him up
I watched as the young male stirred. I curiously brought my face closer to his to see what he looked like closely

All of a sudden he popped his eyes open scaring me to death making me shriek.
Making him shriek..
Making us both shriek.

"(F/n)! You scared me! Don't do that okay!" He scolded me.
I smiled and nodded

I stood up and brought him with me. We walked for a bit until he said something

"Do Titans have families like us humans (f/n)?" I stopped walking making him jerk forwards and trip off my shoulder

"Gahhhhh!!!" He yelled. Little did I know that friends of Eren were watching us. I quickly grabbed him. A bit rougher than usual since that question was still flooding my head.

"A-AHH!!!" He yelled. I look down at him bringing him closer to my face.

"STOP right there you monster!" I heard a monotone voice yell followed by horse gallops and whizzes of noises in the trees as I saw a midget looking man and his friends on horses and some in trees Ponting sharp things at me.

"Tch, brat. You can't even keep yourself out of trouble for a night?" The Mean looking man said as I lowered Eren onto my shoulder.

"L-Levi! It's not what it looks like. She wasn't going to eat me!" Eren said also noticing all the soldier looking boys in defence stand.

"Is jaeger standing up for that thing?" A man with big eyebrows said.

"Tch. I don't care if he is or not. I'm still killing that thing...get him" The man apparently named Levi said.

Next thing I knew was that something painful stabbed into me making me yell out a Titan yell and I saw Eren getting pulled away.

I reached out for him when one of those wires connected to the tree behind me and the sharp shiny blades sliced my hand off.

I roared so loud from pain that the soldiers had to cover their ears.

"(F/N)!!! LEVI STOP!" I heard Eren yell getting weird looks from other people

Getting a few more blows to me I was sent flying to the ground. No longer able to keep myself up.

"Tch. You're too easy. Brat" Levi said about to slash my nape open.

It seemed as if everything was going in slow motion, I started crying while looking at Eren in the eye. My first friend and possibly my last. He was also crying a bit.

"E...Eren" I said.

Making everyone stop and stare wide eyed.

"N..no. Us Titans... Do not have f..fami..lies" I sobbed. Making the ground shake.

He pushed the guy holding him back away and came running to me and hugged my face looking into my eyes. Not caring that I was a Titan.

"I can be your family. Levi! Please don't do this! I can prove that she's different!"

"Tch how" Levi played with his sword (c;)

Eren thought for a moment trying to think of stuff you've done to keep him safe

His eyes lit up when he looked up at Levi

"Firstly.. She saved me from that female Titan when I got knocked off my 3DMG, then she brought me back to her cave and caught dinner for me!" He shouted

The short man jumped down from your back and looked in your eyes.
Searching for any sign of danger
When he didn't he 'tched' and walked away. Dragging Eren with him.

"If she comes with us... And shows any sign of threat... I won't think twice about killing her"

Eren beamed at you and gestured for you to get up and follo the team.

You were following for a bit when Levi used his gear to fly up and land on your shoulder. You shifted your head to look at him in the eyes.

You'd stared for a while before he looked away "just because I didn't kill you doesn't mean I trust you okay. You're simply nothing to me" he said.

When really you reminded him of someone he once knew. A childhood friend.

With your powerful hearing you heard heavy thundering footsteps from behind you. Sounded like two Titans were coming.

You suddenly whipped around and roared at the nearing 10m class Titans. Try didn't stop charging at you's.

With Levi still on your shoulder you raced forwards at a faster pace since you were twice their size.
You reached the first one in a mater of five seconds and punched him straight in the head making him fall over, then stomped on his nape killing him completely.

Yay big set of teeth penetrated your skin and ripped out your flesh in a second with a glare you took both your hands and placed them on either side of the Titans head pushing your thumbs into its eyes loving the sound of its pain.

Then when it was blinded you grabbed its head, tilting it to get a good angle of the nape and bit into it. Ripping out its flesh just like it did to you. And it died.

You looked at Levi and smirked. Trying to gain his trust would be hard but you were willing to try.

He smirked a little but that quickly disappeared once he saw you blushing at him
"Tch. Stop blushing monster" he whizzed away from you


Levi and a guy who introduced himself to me called Erwin instructed everyone to set up camp for the night.

Eren and Jean had to set up tents while everyone else got food and fire wood. Oh and I was keeping watch.
Later on, Erwin called everyone to a meeting while I was sitting by myself looking up at the stary Sky
I was feeling pretty lonely.
Watching all of them so close together, chatting while I have nothing.

"(F/n). Get over here" I heard Erwin say.
I cautiously crawled like a little kid over and sat behind Eren and Armin.
I nodded for him to continue.

"Okay, so.. We have a change of plans. Before we welcome this so called "nice" Titan into our walls to be examined. We need her to show us she can help and that she won't put any of us in danger"
He took a breath and continued
" so, what we were just discussing (f/n) is that you're going to help us rebuild an old building that we haven't used in a while due to it being wrecked in a Titan attack back like...20 years ago"

"Tch, yeah. The same attack That my childhood friend got taken by your filthy kind" Levi gritted his teeth and looked into the fire with burning hatred

You went wide eyed and got up turning and walking back to your previous lonely place.

You wanted to tell him.

You wanted to tell him so bad that

...you were his childhood friend.

(F/n) (l/n)....

Oh shit things are getting real.

Don't worry I'll explain in the next chapter if you're confused.

Please give feedback
No h8 m8

XD Bai fren

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