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(Levis POV)

Its been a couple of days since we found out that (y/n) was actually that titan.. i dont think she knew that she could be human as well?

(y/n) still hasn't woken up yet.. i wonder if she'll remember me when she eventually wakes up.. i hope so, we haven't seen eachother for like.. 10 years. I've believed that all this time, she was dead.

Hanji walked out of the tent (y/n) was staying in and walked up to me.

"well?" i said impatiently

"well Captain.. shes... awake now" Hanji squealed and ushered me towards the tent

"wait! hanj-"

"L-Levi?" a small voice squeaked out from behind me. Stopping me mid sentence.

I turned around slowly, seeing (y/n) sitting there looking very tired but happy to be here.

"H-hi (y/n)" i stuttered sitting beside her

"wow haha, Levi- Humanities strongest is stuttering? Never thought i'd see the day" she teased shoving my shoulder gently then resting her head on it. Sending a warm feeling into my chest, then moving onto my face. I've never blushed like this before... not even around girls who try to flirt with me.

We stayed cuddled up for a while before Eren, Armin and Marco came in and told us that Erwin said it's time to leave.

As we walked out, all the male soldiers stopped and went open mouthed at (y/n)'s appearance, making me mad.

"what are you all looking at?!? get back to work!" i shouted making everyone stare with wide eyes before hurrying back to do their work. Since we didn't expect for (y/n) to actually be a human who can transform into a titan, we didn't bring a spare horse, or 3D Manoeuvre Gear... so she had to sit behind me on my horse.

(Your POV)

I'm still deciding whether or not to think that im dreaming. I've been a titan for as long as i can remember, it's giving me a headache just thinking about it. But everything feels so real.

Right now, we are no longer going to the broken building i was supposed to fix because they've had a change of plan since i've become human again- im not sure if i can transform anymore- we are now going to the soldiers home in some kind of wall, apparently to keep my kind out? But they're going to sort something out for me apparently.


I have been escorted by a girl named petra to my room, its quiet cozy in here if i must say. Much more comfortable than the caves and grass i use to sleep in. Petra kept on giving me these dirty looks, for unknown reasons.

"(y/n) You're sleeping here. Im going to be in the upper class rooms since, well... im obviously higher than you'll ever be" Petra snorted about to walk out my door, me watching with a confused face after her.

"why did you just suddenly be rude to me for? what have i done to make you disrespect me in such a way?" i sat up and looked at her, waiting for a reply

"I'm being rude because i know you're trying to take Heichou away from me. But sorry to say this, we are actually meant to be getting married after the next expedition... so stay away from him or else.. and don't think im going to treat you differently just because you're part titan" she snapped and slammed my door closed


I shrugged and changed into a uniform I was given by Mikasa on the way to my room, she said she knows what im going through since the same thing happened to her brother who was Eren.. Hmm i never knew that.. anyway, it took me a while to figure out the straps that go here and there on me but i managed. after doing so i walked out of my dorm and to the dusty streets of the cage looking town, walking around for ages trying to find the dinner hall.

Some time after, i eventually found it, i opened up the door and what do i see as soon as i walk in? That's right, Petra looking at me, smirking and moving in closer to a stressed looking levi whos trying not to spill his noodles all over his white clothes.

"Levi~ We haven't talked much about our wedding have we?" she giggle looking sweetly at him then glaring at me.

"yeah? well that's becau- (Y/N) ! come join us" Levi shouted mid sentence, draining all the colour from my face.

I gulped and ignored the threatening looks Petra was giving me and took a seat on the opposite side of him, staring down at my hands, not daring to look up.

"Are you going to grab anything to eat (y/n)?" Heichou asked

Before i could answer this bitch answered for me

"No!" Petra snapped, levi eyeing her weirdly

"i-i mean, im just worried incase something triggers her transformation.. she might.. Get in the way of our night off" she hissed.

"uhm okay?" he shrugged and continued eating.


I know! I know ! this chapter really sucked and nothing much happened but im trying to think of some things to write about in this story.


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